Art of the Day #702 Happy Ninth Anniversary: The Last Hurrah

メンタリストなニクジュディ by パンツはboxer派 by パンツはboxer派
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Hello again everyone…and Happy Anniversary #9!

Noooo, the title doesn’t mean that this is the last Art of the Day, ever. But it IS the final anniversary collection before Zootopia 2 comes out. After that, the game is going to change in a big way.

For our Featured Image, we’re giving you the very first fanart uploaded to the ZNN archive, followed by three more pics from 2016. After that, there’ll be four pics from 2017, and then four from each succeeding year, until we get to 2025.

And now…please come and join and us on our stroll down memory lane. Enjoy…and don’t forget to show the original artists some love by clicking on the source-links.



Nick and Finnick by oleeduelot
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Dawn Bellwether and Gidget, from ‘The Secret Life of Pets,’ released that same year.  Both  characters were voiced by Jenny Slate.

Bellwether Meets Gidget by Disneycow82
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An epic piece, this.

Zootopia 13 Fear by shinyfurry
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Yes, it’s by Borba.  However you may feel about him, there can be no denying the impact he’s had on the Zootopia Fandom.

Zootopia in Rio Carnival 2017 by borba
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Judy, with the mother of her Goddaughter and namesake.

Thank you by bikoo
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So true…

zootopia_bakerstreet by morpheus306
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A pic to commemorate Zootopia’s win for Best Animated Feature at the 2017 Academy Awards.  The little bird on top of Nick’s head is the lead character from ‘Piper’, which took home the Oscar for Best Animated Short.

Nick, Judy and Piper at the Oscars by fra-gai
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If you were to ask the ZNN staff to name their favorite Zootopia fan-artists, the name Qalcove would certainly appear on everybody’s list.

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn by qualcove
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And here’s a pic by one of my personal favorites, iPoke.

… +1 by iPoke
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It all began one day on Discord.  I was browsing the ZNN Staff server when I received a DM from one of our new members, informing me of the existence of a treasure-trove of nearly unknown Zootopia fanart, created by Chinese artists.  One look, and I knew we had to put these pics in their own collection.  The one below is my favorite.

Mandarin Nick and Judy by 登录百度账号
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Of all the Art of the Day collections we’ve ever posted, my hands-down favorite is ‘Steampunk Zootopia.’

Steamtopia by DOL2006
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This one’s kind of double whammy.  Inspired by an old Tex Avery cartoon ‘Sheepwrecked’ and also by a music vid, called Beep, Beep, Ima Sheep.

Leggy Bellwether by borba
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This is from a collection called ‘Someone’s in the Kitchen.’  The title pretty much says it all.

In Judy’s Home. by smily0347yo
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A Zootopia / Hercules crossover–with a little role-reversal thrown in.

weak ankles by weak-ankles
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2019 saw the release of the live-action Lion King.  In recognition of the event, we posted a crossover gallery.

LK Nick and Judy by ladycat2000
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Here’s one from a Zootopia / Animal Crossing, crossover collection.

Zootopia X Animal Crossing by Pyramid Pug
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And this one’s from an Art of the Day collection dedicated to Nick Wilde’s favorite fruit.

Epilogue by pacopanda
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We had to include at least one piece of Concept Art.

Judy at the Farmstand by scottwatanabe
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From a fanart collection made up of animated Gifs.  This one was a barrel of fun to put together.

Surprise, Surprise by berry buddy
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Note the band-aids on Judy’s arm and leg.  If at first, you don’t succeed…

Judy out for a roll by @popodunk
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Another of my favorites; you can almost feel the chill in the air, and smell the spray of the ocean.

Aye Aye Captain! by lion21
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A rare collaborative Zootopia fanart.  Nick, Judy, and everything in the foreground is the work of S1M, while the background through the window was created by DantesLunte.

A Date by S1M and danteslunte
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No, this isn’t concept art; fooled me too, the first time I saw it.

Rainforest Stroll by @Jaskenator7000
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It was big year for the Zootopia fandom.  That spring, we saw the release of the Dreamworks film, The Bad Guys…and the inevitable crossover artwork.

What If… by @magolobo
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Time for an ensemble pic, methinks.

The Gang’s All Here by Jennifer Teh
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“Nick, stop it, you’re killing me.”
“Oh, come on Carrots.  I’m not holding you that tight.”
“I meant the SINGING, you dumb fox!”

Campfire Karaoke by @QalcoveArt
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 And here’s the other big event of 2022–the debut of the  streaming series.Zootopia+.
…Wherein we were introduced to a brand new character; Sam, the harried otter-waitress from the Dinner Rush sequence.

Sam On the Clock by @_mochicco_
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2023 was the Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit.  So naturally, we had to have an appropriate collection.

Happy Year of the Rabbit by @takatmaorange
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No, that’s not Judy behind the wheel–it’s Jack Savage.

Cruising by thingirl
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In August of ’23, we were saddened by the passing of beloved Zootopia fanfic writer, Alp Sarsis–creator of the Guardian Blue series.

Thanks for the Fox – New Cover by sarsis
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From a collection dedicated to Judy’s adorable young niece, little Cotton Hopps.  No one ever drew her better than Qalcove.

Hey Judy, can I ask you a question? by @QalcoveArt
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Pic by a relatively new artist, Serarel. 

Judy by @SerarelDeer
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The big event of last year, was the Zootopia 2 clip shown at D23.  It sparked a literal flood of new fanart.

Z2 Boop by @askalin097
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One of the funniest pieces of Zootopia fanart I’ve ever seen.  Who needs Nighthowler when ya got Black Friday?

17 by AAR0NJAY
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Here’s yet another ‘inevitable’ crossover…Zootopia and Bluey, by another of our favorites, Zigrock.

Bluey Zootopia by @zigrock_brony
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No one does Trompe l’oeil like ASKalin. 

Little Nick Needs to Fly by @asklain097
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A pic by another one our favorite artists, Cake Trifelz.

Not the Coffee! by @CakeTriflez
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Just a little reminder that both Zootopia and The Bad Guys are getting sequels this year

I’m expecting them in 2025 by @askalin097
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If 2023 was the Year of the Rabbit, then 2025 is the Year of the Snake.  So, naturally we had to create a collection featuring Gary.

Welcome to Zootopia, Gary by @boxidle
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And finally…

Happy 9th Anniversary by @akaslin097
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Until Next Year…

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