Story Updates: October 2024: A Better Story Update
Fanfic Updates

Story Updates: October 2024: A Better Story Update

Hellloooooo Zootopians! Welcome, to the MONTH OF SPOOKY update and, uh… -Well, doesn’t look like we have any spooky stories this year, and… -Uh oh (ducks). Okay Trisha, put the pinecone down. We certainly have one Halloween story with a […]

Story: Tears in the Dark

Story: Tears in the Dark

Art by author [Rating K9][Poetry][Angst/Comfort] Prose, rhyme, meter, Not well know in Fanfiction, Zootopia. Fox, angst, rage at betrayal. Spurned and abandoned, by Cottontail. In fox club, bohemia, Poetry, reveals ya. Reunion, forgiveness? Can we say less. A poetic exploration […]

Story: Torment & Tenderness

Story: Torment & Tenderness

Art by Author [Rating M16][Angst][Hurt/Comfort] If there’s one good thing to come from ‘The comic that shall NOT be named’, it’s how many authors have chosen to reverse-uno card the premise and take on their own vision of the premise… […]

Story: The Sisters Hopps

Story: The Sisters Hopps

[Rating M][Drama][Action] “It seems a long time since Zootopia was released, and indeed a long time since the golden age of fanfiction, where giant ongoing epic stories were one and a plenty. So it warms my heart that years later, […]