
Rich Moore Leaves Disney Animation

Following 10 years of service at Walt Disney Animation Studios, Rich Moore, director of Wreck-it-Ralph (and its sequel) and co-director of Zootopia, is leaving for Sony Pictures. Many in the Zootopia community are aware of the movie’s co-director Rich Moore, […]


Unused Alternate Scenes for Zootopia

Disney animators are a hardworking bunch, as you might expect from artists working for one of the world’s leading animated movie makers. Sometimes the final product isn’t the only product that had to be considered, though. Little emphasizes this more […]

Newly Unveiled Zootopia Character Models

Newly Unveiled Zootopia Character Models

Over three years past the release date of the movie, fans of Zootopia are still getting content released from the directors, artists, and animators that worked so hard to make it. Disney modeler Suzan Erdal has recently released a slew […]