
xkcd references Zootopia

xkcd, an incredibly popular web series, mentioned zootopia in their latest comic.  I honestly don’t know what Wikipedia Talk pages are, or how they work when talking about individual cities, but I guess I’ll take xkcd’s word for it. Yeah, […]


Story: No Man’s Land

Source [Adventure] [Romance] [Drama] [Comedy] [Rated M-16]  “Is there another chapter after this one?  I’m hooked.” ~Pre-reader whose name is definitely not Joe. Author: Codaram Description: Urban or not, the jungle’s a dangerous place.  Growing unrest in Zootopia forces Judy and […]


Art of the Day #5

Speedpaint by kairuiz Source [1] Flash, Flash, Hundred-yard Dash! Who else loves The Flash?  Given how much that show loves crossing over into different shows and universes (even if they’re not on the same channel!) who’s to say he couldn’t […]


Story: Breaking Bellwether

[Drama] [Rated T-13][Complete] Ever wonder what was going in in Assistant Mayor Bellwether’s head when she masterminded the Night Howler conspiracy?  Judy definitely does, and she’s going to find out. Author: Alex Reynard Description: One year has passed since Judy Hopps […]


Zootopia is the #21 Best movie of all time!

Source Hooray!  Zootopia’s regained it’s 99{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} rating on RottenTomatoes, and is currently sitting right under the cinematic masterpiece The Adventures of Robin Hood!  Check it out here! And in other awesome news, Zootopia has cleared the $800 Million mark internationally, […]


Story: The Fox and The Rabbit

Source [Romance] [Slice of Life] [Drama] [Rated M-16] One night leads to Nick and Judy officially becoming a couple.  That wouldn’t be so bad if their relationship wasn’t front-page news. There’s a reason this one’s got hundreds of favorites on FF.net.  […]


Imagining Zootopia- Awkward…

Source So, this is a little awkward.  In my excitement, I didn’t notice that the Documentary “Imagining Zootopia” doesn’t officially release until tomorrow at 8 PM, not today.  Oops! Well, either way, get excited, because it’s a really awesome documentary that […]


Art of the Day #3

Welcome to Zootopia by FlashW Source [1] According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary: Sly adjective Clever in a dishonest way Showing that you know a secret Nicholas P. Wilde Check out today’s batch of amazing art after the break! Zootopia Highway […]


Story: Open Your Eyes

[Romance] [One-shot] [Short] Author: Libtastic Description: When Judy doesn’t show up for their weekly hangout, Nick goes looking for her and finds her in Tundra Town. Open Your Eyes