Zootopia arrives in Japan!
Source Zootopia has officially released in Japan! Zootopia has now, officially, gone global! And I would guess that, if it’s a fraction as popular in Japan as it was in China or the US or Europe, that Japan will bring […]
Source Zootopia has officially released in Japan! Zootopia has now, officially, gone global! And I would guess that, if it’s a fraction as popular in Japan as it was in China or the US or Europe, that Japan will bring […]
Mrs. Otterton by LailarySource [1] Emmitt Otterton is definitely a lucky mammal. Mrs. Otterton is one of the most adorable characters in Zootopia- a movie starring one of the cutest, fuzziest bunnies in all of animation. (…Don’t tell Judy I […]
Well, I’ll be darned. Someone on Tumblr with a blog named Wild Times (http://wilde-timez.tumblr.com/) wrote out the entire story of Zootopia… in emojis. Check it out on their tumblr or below the break. It’s actually kind of surprising how well it […]
Well, ZNN has been featuring stories for three weeks now! In that time, several of them have added new chapters. Here’s a list, if you’re reading them. If not, what are you waiting for? They’re awesome! Updated Stories: The Fox […]
<li><table align=”center” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ class=”tr-caption-container” style=”margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;”><tbody> Source FOR THE EMPEROR! What, did you think 50,000 views was the next major benchmark? Well, it is now, but how could I pass up this chance for Zootopia […]
Hello all! Andy thought it’d be a good idea for me to introduce myself to you all…so hi! Cripes this is awkward. Someone throw me a bone here? What’s that Moonwolf? tell them a bit about myself? Ok. Hello I’m […]
(source) I love those comics that give you the feels and then make you smile at the end. Check out the full version here. The artist also has a few other mini comics. Andy is having some technical difficulties and […]
Michael Giacchino composed some amazing background music for Zootopia. He’s a true maestro of melody. If you haven’t listened to the soundtrack fifty times by now… well I guess better to start late than never. So, it was only a matter of […]
Want up-to-date notifications whenever ZNN posts something? Share something with us without having to send an email? Get in touch with us directly? Well, now you can with the official ZNN Twitter! Follow us @ZootopiaNews or search for #ZNN to […]
Hot Fuzzy by Fishmas Source [1] AOTD CROSSOVERS 2 SCENE 1 FADE IN: INT ZNN HEADQUARTERS – DAY In an unfinished basement that gets good wifi coverage, ANDY LAGOPUS, an Arctic Fox, sits at his desk, thinking hard. He is […]
Source [ZooDystopia] [Mystery] [Romance] [Rated T-13] One of these days i’m going to have to do a post for those unfamiliar with the concept of ZooDystopia. Until then, however, this serves as a really good dive into the idea. It’s definitely […]
So what’s up with Judy not wanting to be called “Cute”? That line in the movie threw me off for a second when I first heard it. It’s such an obvious but confusing parallel to a certain real-world-word-that-starts-with-a-letter-between-M-and-O, but EWS […]
Source I, Andy Lagopus, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful, and trustworthy! Welcome, welcome, one and all, to our first ever Ranger Scout Challenge!* (*final name still up for debate) As I explained yesterday, these will be a series […]
Source [Comedy] [Romance] [Rated K-9] [Short] [Complete] “Not every day you see a story written in the present tense. I would have slipped up and went into past tense” ~Pre-Reader you all know is not joe Author: Sparkylulz Description: On his first […]
Souce I posted a comic about Inside Out earlier, which reminded me of something very exciting I don’t believe I covered before. On RottenTomatoes, Zootopia finds itself firmly in the #5 spot on their list of the Best Animated Movies […]
As amazing as Zootopia is, there’s no denying that Inside Out was also spectacular. The only thing that could make them better is if we could see inside the minds of Nick and Judy. Oh wait. Someone made a comic […]
Source “I, Nicholas Wilde, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful, and trustworthy!” Hello everybody, and welcome to ZNN’s First Merit Badge Workshop! This is going to be a series of talent development showcases, where we encourage you to try everything, […]
Source [Crime Drama] [Rated K-9] I’ve heard it said that Judy could face some serious jail time for some of her actions in the movie. I don’t know if this is true, but this fic does a great job of shoving the consequences […]
Source As I’m sure many of you have noticed, Fusion TV made the youtube video of the 45-minute documentary “Imagining Zootopia” private. I have no clue why, and when I found out I made the same face Judy is making […]
Mr Manchas by chirenbo Source [1] Mr. Manchas deserves more love. Poor guy got his face ripped up by Mr. Otterton, got drugged by Doug, and got locked up by Mayor Lionheart. All because he happened to be the driver […]
Source Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have an official Blu-ray release date for Zootopia! According to Blu-ray.com, it’ll be coming out on June 7th, 2016! So, if you haven’t already, head over to Amazon and reserve your copy before they […]
Here’s a question I don’t think any of you were asking: “What would happen if Trevor (from GTA V) drove into Zootopia?” (At least, I’m pretty sure that it’s Trevor) Find out the answer HERE or after the break
If you read Moonwolf’s introduction post, you’ll know that ZNN has been considering bringing in translators to help bring our little blog to everyone, not just English-speakers. It’s an exciting prospect that will likely take a few months to implement, […]
Source Well, I can’t say these results are especially surprising. This blog is run in the USA, and Zootopia is the movie’s name in several regions other than America. Still we apparently have a couple of Brits who visit the […]
Judy Hopps, Zootopia by aoudie Source [1] This fandom is amazingly talented. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an outpouring of fanart this good from any other fandom. So let’s give some credit to those who are doing incredible art […]
Zootopia is © The Walt Disney Company.