
Art of the Day #13

Mr Manchas by chirenbo Source [1] Mr. Manchas deserves more love.  Poor guy got his face ripped up by Mr. Otterton, got drugged by Doug, and got locked up by Mayor Lionheart.  All because he happened to be the driver […]


Official Blu-Ray Release date!

Source Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have an official Blu-ray release date for Zootopia! According to, it’ll be coming out on June 7th, 2016! So, if you haven’t already, head over to Amazon and reserve your copy before they […]


Story: Hopps & Robbers

[Crossover] [Adventure/Mystery] [Rated T-13] It’s called “Hopps and Robbers” and it puts Sly Cooper in Zootopia!  HOW COULD I NOT FEATURE THIS??? Author: Redman404 Description: Almost a year has passed since Judy first met the smug con artist of a fox that […]


Art of the Day #11

Zootopia by Jurassiczalar Source [1] Sorry for the late posts.  I tried to take public transit today, and the result was something like THIS. Get your daily dose of art after the break! Nick’s a Smooth Criminal by KendallCollins Source […]


Art of the Day #9

Welcome to Zootopia! by Pixel Jeff Source [1] Pixel art is a wonderful style.  It’s the puzzle of packing as much detail as you can into the smallest possible space, while still retaining the image you’re trying to convey. Get […]



O. M. Goodness!  I said I expected to reach 20,000 in a few days, not a few hours!  Thank you all so, so, SO much!  This is absolutely incredible!  The site hasn’t even been live for two weeks yet!  Thank […]


Comic Series: Ask the ZPD

There are a few things that I will admit Tumblr is good for.  One of them is the genre of blogs known as Ask Comics, where anyone can ask characters questions and the artist answers them in comic form. Ask […]