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Story Updates (4 May 2016)

What would you call it if a Hollywood actor temporarily lost their hearing?  A Deaf Star!  HAHAHAhahaha someone send help I can’t stop making corny jokes. Updated stories: The Masks We Wear by ElegantDiscord Hopps and Robbers by Redman404 No […]

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Story- Fallout: Zootopia

[Action] [Adventure] [Drama] [Crossover] [Original Characters] [Epic] [Rated M-16] You know how a few days ago I posted this and asked if anyone was working on a fanfic of it?  Well, here you go! Author: CiderStripes Description: Fear, treachery, blood-lust.  These […]

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Texts from Zootopians

[Rated T-13 for occasional language] For all its shortcomings, sometimes texting can be absolutely hilarious!  There’s a reason Texts from Dog and Texts from Superheroes have become as popular as they have, and now there’s a Zootopian version. And it. […]

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Art of the Day #19

Zootopia! by Bukoya-Star Source [1] Sorry there was a massive gap between posts today.  Things took an unexpected turn for the hectic and cost me a few more hours than I would normally have liked. Have some apology art after […]

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Poll Results and New Poll!

Source Well then, another week has come and gone, and it’s time for a new poll!  We’re going to take a little break from collecting data about our audience getting some valuable feedback, and ask a question actually related to […]


Story: Smooth Operator

Source [Comedy] [Drama] [Romance] [Rated T-13]  There’s a moment when you realize you like someone that makes being around them awkward for you and hilarious for everyone watching you.  This is about Nick reaching that moment. Author: Mordecool1039 Description: Several months have passed […]


Story: Hot Fuzz [Update Complete!]

Source [Comedy] [Mystery] [Rated T-13] [Complete] “Very punny and very british, always talking about pubs and such” – Tomlocke“Pubs as in “kids” or pubs as in “let’s get another drink?” – Moonwolf“DRINKS!  ALL THE DRINKS!” – Tomlocke Author: MalKontent Description: Judy Hopps […]