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Story: Finding the Folks

Source [Drama] [Romance] [Rated T-13] Judy goes to find Nick’s family, so while it features some OC’s, they blend blend in with the world very well. ~ Pre-Reader Andy  Author: HPLurvkriff Description: Tired of Nick’s wall of silence, Judy searches […]

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Art of the Day #35

    【C90】夏コミ受かりました。ズットピログまとめ【J01b】 by 犬耳もえ太 Source [1] You guys are awesome.  Just wanted to say that.  Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night, whichever is appropriate for where you are in the world! Get your art after the break! 相棒 by まいける Source [2] […]

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Story Updates (23 June 2016)

Now here’s one we haven’t seen update in a little while.  Of course, it’s a collection of short stories, so it could update at any time and be perfectly fine.  This time, get an AU story where Nick meets Judy […]

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Art of the Day #34 – Summertime!

Have an amazing summer by Byron Howard Source [1] Summertime has officially begun!  Time to hit the pool! My high school days may or may not have been DRAMATICALLY impacted by the High School Musical series.  Mostly positively, thank goodness. […]

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Story- Worlds Apart

Source [Friendship] [Rated K-9] While the role-swap concept isn’t unique to this fic, this is the best execution of it I’ve read ~Not A Pre-reader Author: FoxStang Description: In an alternate, parallel universe to the Zootopia of the film, Judy […]

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Art of the Day #33

[Title Unknown] by ♻️SHINO_4444 Source [1] So, I just did a little bit of multiplying, and I made a fascinating discovery! Currently, ZNN has a folder where we store all the high-quality fanart we can find.  Right now, it’s holding […]

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Story Updates 21 June 2016

The Fox and The Rabbit is back!  The long-awaited Chapter 14 has arrived, continuing a story hailed by many as one of the best fanfics in the fandom.  I personally can’t wait to see what happens to Nick in Bunnyburrow, […]

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Story- Zootopia: Partners

Source [Romance] [Drama] [Huge] [Rated T-13] A well written work that is somewhere between a single story and a collection of one-shots in the same timeline.  While it does feature several oc’s, they’re well done and feel well incorporated into […]

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Story Updates 20 June 2016

You see what that is?  That is brand-new custom art for one of the stories we’ve been featuring regularly, that’s what!  TheWyvernsWeaver did an awesome job on this picture for Smooth Operator by Mordecool1039, so be sure to check out […]

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Song- More than Friends (by Gatopaint)

I really like Gatopaint’s music.  It reminds me a bit of christian rock artists like Casting Crowns.  Don’t really know why, it just does, Check out his new song, “More than Friends” after the break!

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Art of the Day #31

ズートピア by ネモト ユウマ Source [1] We’re back!  It’s been a while since we’ve had an Art of the Day post, hasn’t it?  So sorry about that.  The process used to take hours to do, and I was just finding […]

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Story Updates 18 June 2016

I’ll be frank, and tell you that I don’t really have much to say right now. Okay, now I’ll be andy and post the fanfiction updates from the past few days. Updated Stories: Fallout: Zootopia by CiderStripes The Bunny Who […]