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Story Post: Zootopia – Blurring Lines

[Romance][Adventure] An intriguing story that combines WildeHopps romance with a rather bleak conspiracy plot, continuing from where the movie left off while also bringing in the dreaded tame collars to boot. And anything that involves Nick and Judy going rogue […]

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Story Updates 22 September 2016

Sorry this post is coming so late in the day.  I had it ready to go this morning, but I ended up having to take a lot of public transportation this afternoon.  Public transportation that doesn’t have wifi.  Huzzah. But […]

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Zootopia Craziness 3!

Quirky-Middle-Child: I’d say the Zootopia Craziness video is Hilarious! it was greatly edited and has cleverly planned jokes that had me laughing to loud at work. The jokes are also clever and not just pure editing randomness that we see in […]

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Story: With Fur There Is Love

by n09142 [Romance][Slice of life] Looking for a nice and fluffy fic to read? If so, look no further. This piece offers a fluffy look into the developing relationship between Nick and Judy. Follow them as they attempt to navigate […]