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ZNN Reaches 300,000 Pageviews!

HUGE thanks to Ask-The-ZPD and Quirky-Middle-Child for this AMAZING celebration art! Wow.  Just… just WOW.  300,000 views.  I never, NEVER, anticipated this happening. Thank you.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you.  You’re all simply incredible, and I am […]

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About the Blu-ray Leak…

Source So last week, the Blu-ray edition of Zootopia got leaked.  ZNN is fully aware of this.  And our official stance on it is that we do not condone it, and will not feature any content that uses it (such […]

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100,000 PAGEVIEWS!

Art by… Andy Lagopus??? Holy Cow!  You are all absolutely amazing, you know that?  We’ve gone from 0 to 100,000 pageviews in only 43 days.  That is astounding!  I never in a thousand years could have predicted this would happen. […]

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Poll Results: Smooth Sailing Ahead!

Non-shippers.  They may think they’re big and strong, but we outnumber them 10 to 1!  Think about it!  90% of the population, united against a common enemy!  We’d be unstoppable. …Wait a second.  That’s Bellwether’s line. Seriously though, we got […]

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Texts from Zootopians

[Rated T-13 for occasional language] For all its shortcomings, sometimes texting can be absolutely hilarious!  There’s a reason Texts from Dog and Texts from Superheroes have become as popular as they have, and now there’s a Zootopian version. And it. […]

Ranger Scout Challenge

Ranger Scout Challenge Update!

Source Hello everyone!  Andy here, just reminding y’all that you only have a couple of days left if you want to do the Ranger Scout Challenge!  If you don’t know what that is, check out this post HERE for details. […]


40,000 Pageviews!

<li><table align=”center” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ class=”tr-caption-container” style=”margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;”><tbody> Source FOR THE EMPEROR! What, did you think 50,000 views was the next major benchmark? Well, it is now, but how could I pass up this chance for Zootopia […]


The First ZNN Ranger Scout Challenge!

Source I, Andy Lagopus, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful, and trustworthy! Welcome, welcome, one and all, to our first ever Ranger Scout Challenge!* (*final name still up for debate)   As I explained yesterday, these will be a series […]



O. M. Goodness!  I said I expected to reach 20,000 in a few days, not a few hours!  Thank you all so, so, SO much!  This is absolutely incredible!  The site hasn’t even been live for two weeks yet!  Thank […]