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Zootopia Craziness 3!

Quirky-Middle-Child: I’d say the Zootopia Craziness video is Hilarious! it was greatly edited and has cleverly planned jokes that had me laughing to loud at work. The jokes are also clever and not just pure editing randomness that we see in […]

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ZMV: “Where Are You Now?”

“Where are you?” is a pretty good question.  My answer earlier, when I wanted to post stuff to ZNN,  was “somewhere with no stinkin’ wifi!”.  So, my apologies for the late posts. That said, this is a very well-made ZMV […]

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ZMV: Centuries

雑描きlog4 by lustaking Source It was kinda tricky to find a cover image to go with this song, but I’d say that this one by Lustaking certainly fits the bill. I’m normally the sort of person who prefers HD video […]

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Back row: Berserker88 (sitting on) Nota999, Ryotaro, LMAbacus, Quirky-middle-child (doing a handstand on) Raphael Middle Row: Ask-theZPD, Nathan, Pascal, Moonwolf, Namicle, Tomlocke, ZCskr Front Row: MegaTred, Miller Wong, Sendrax, QNinjar, Andy Lagopus, Shadow9692, Other Andy, Toastee, N00btankz WE DID IT! […]

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Nick goes RACING!

Probably one of the more unique things this fandom has brought us has been the Nick Wilde Racecar, designed for a demolition derby.  Well, now that he’s been all painted up, he’s ready to hit the track! Check out ACRacebest’s […]

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ZMV: Criminal

There are way too many songs that just make my inner WildeHopps shipper giggle in glee.  My outer WildeHopps shipper remains stoic, though.  “Never let them see that they get to you”, and all that. This ZMV comes to us […]