Zootopia Fun Facts!
Something has to be going on, right? Disney has been giving us a lot of Zootopia stuff over the past month. Maybe they’re doing something big? (Nah, it can’t be) Disney is hitting us with more Zootopia! But this time, […]
Something has to be going on, right? Disney has been giving us a lot of Zootopia stuff over the past month. Maybe they’re doing something big? (Nah, it can’t be) Disney is hitting us with more Zootopia! But this time, […]
Virtual Reality by W4G4 Hello, Zootopia fans! Are you geared up for the upcoming 1980s/1990s pop culture nostalgia flick Ready Player One? I am locked and loaded for this totally awesome movie! There are rumors circulating of a few Zootopia cameo appearances: Nick […]
I’m a bit crazy for Wildehopps, and I think all of you Wildehopps shippers will squeal as loud as Clawhauser when you see this! Walking Home by Eaves (へべ) is a silent comic — a short-yet-amazing comic between Nick and […]
Oh My Disney is back with Zootopia once again, showing us how to make tiny pawpsicles! Felicia Rein from “Oh My Disney” demonstrates how to make Nick Wilde’s famous pawpsicles, by replicating Nick’s actions from the movie by melting other […]
Educating Undergraduates about 2016’s Best Film It’s been just over a year since Andy shared a draft of “Moral Psychology and Prejudice in Disney’s Zootopia” and wrote about how I was using Zootopia in one of my applied ethics courses. […]
Welcome to Castle ZNN! by Fairytalesartist Come one, come all! After many months of deliberating, planning and implementing, we have finally unbarred the doors and are opening up our very own ZNN Community Server! What does this mean?! Well, let’s go […]
If you literally like Zootopia, you’ll literally like this literal interpretation; literally about Zootopia! OK, i’ll stop now… (haha!) YouTube channel “What Literally Happened” is known for its literal interpretations of famous movies and now has tackled our very-much-loved Zootopia, […]
Recruitment Poster, by FairyTalesArtist and Sendrax Good morning, Zootopians! A bit over a month ago, we opened the ZNN team up for our new round of recruiting, and the results were fantastic. We added several phenomenal new members to the […]
This trailer screams vibes of Silence of the Lambs’ “Hello Clarice”. It’s dark, ambient, and will keep you on the edge of your seat! The trailer is a spot-for-spot remake of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” trailer and transformed into a movie masterpiece, created […]
Go “Wilde” with Zootopia again with Disney’s “Script to Screen”, featuring Zootopia! Disney is back at it again, giving us what we need most: Zootopia content! Disney recently released a “Script to Screen” video, revisiting Nick Wilde’s infamous pawpsicle hustle […]
We know a lot of you would love to draw Nick and Judy and many of you have thought about it. Here is one such artist, Isabel Giannuzzi, who has done just that! In this video, you will see her […]
Once in a blue moon, you get the right group of people together to collaborate on something very special. In this case, the result is Sunderance, the joint fanfic/comic team-up between Wyvern’s Weaver and Kulkum. But what’s that you say? […]
If you’ve watched Browntable’s “Return to Zootopia” series, you’ll be glad to know that episode three has been released with a scene that showcases Nick and Judy singing a song entitled “Cold Coffee,” which was originally created by Ed Sheeran, […]
Art by Photter So what sorts of things would a clever fox such as Nick Wilde give to Judy as a present during special occasions and holiday events? A bundle of flowers? A stash of carrots? A basket of blueberries? […]
Hello fellow Zootopians! That’s right, you read the title right! What if Zootopia were an Anime? We have the very talented group led my Mike Inel, who dubbed the audio of Zootopia over hand drawn animation reminiscent of the style […]
Art by Rikuo-Rikuo Back in late 2016, we were blessed to receive Zootopia on Netflix. […]
Rich Moore is one sly son of a gun, isn’t he? Wreck-it-Ralph messed with a lot of Disney conventions, including having SIDE characters (if you can call them that) getting married, with no romantic focus involved in the main character’s […]
Zootopia Commission by Impendingsenseofdoom Some things just won’t things die. The news story that possesses the traits of zombies is back, as Gary Goldman is back to, once again, suing Disney over Zootopia. I’d comment more, but I’ve said all […]
About two weeks ago, the online magazine Gold Derby (which specializes in covering and predicting Film Awards) launched a vote to let the internet decide which is the best Winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Picture of the […]
“Heheheh… oh, I’ll try you. IN A COURT OF LAW!” ~ from the song Vampyres (with a Y) That’s right ladies and gentlemammals, the first full fan-game set in Zootopia, Zootopia Defense, has now got a sequel! We covered the original […]
You know how Weird Al Yankovic doing a parody of your song is the highest honor and mark of success in the music industry? A movie getting parodied by a long-running comedy series is similar to that, and Zootopia’s made […]
Art by Joaoppereiraus Today is Byron Howard’s Birthday! For those of you who have no idea who this is… welcome to ZNN. We’re all about Zootopia. Which was directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore. He’s also co-directed Bolt and […]
Source: borba, Page 9 of “I Will Survive” Greetings, ZNN readers. I’m Dr. Trevor Hedberg, also known as WildeCard. If you follow this site carefully, you might remember me as the philosopher who was using Zootopia in some of his […]
Source: Joaquin Baldwin, AN ANIMATOR WHO WORKED ON ZOOTOPIA Well, the past week has certainly been interesting. The I Will Survive Meme has come and seems to be going (hopefully), President Obama’s executive order regarding Net Neutrality was overturned, and Revoltech […]
It’s rare you get to see a meme grow from the very start. On Wednesday, Gavia Baker-Whitelaw (@Hello_Tailor), a writer at The Daily Dot, tweeted that they’d just discovered Borba’s comic “I Will Survive”. Since then, that tweet has gained […]
Zootopia is © The Walt Disney Company.