Zootopia Shanghai Officially Under Construction!

Zootopia Shanghai Officially Under Construction!

Who says construction can’t be fun? For those who don’t know, Disneyland Shanghai has begun construction of a Zootopia-themed park, and as we all know, anything designed with Zootopian architecture in mind needs to have some wild height accommodations.  Although […]


Rich Moore Leaves Disney Animation

Following 10 years of service at Walt Disney Animation Studios, Rich Moore, director of Wreck-it-Ralph (and its sequel) and co-director of Zootopia, is leaving for Sony Pictures. Many in the Zootopia community are aware of the movie’s co-director Rich Moore, […]


Rest In Peace, Boi Chá

Hello everyone.  Sadly, we have some bad news to share today. Ricardo Boechat, the renowned Brazillian news anchor who lent his voice to Onçardo Boi Chá, the Zootopian news anchor exclusive to the Brazillian version of Zootopia, has passed away […]

THIS…is ZNN… 2.0

THIS…is ZNN… 2.0

Hello there, Zootopia community!!!! AgentExeider here for an important announcement. For the past two-and-a-half years, Blogger has served as the base framework on which ZNN has operated. And for a free platform, it’s done a really good job, but as […]



NICK X JUDY by: captain安 If you remember back in August, we covered a certain Disney-licensed Chinese mobile Zootopia game that doubles as both a puzzle and simulation game. However, thanks to juantriforce042, we have discovered something GROUNDBREAKING for Wildehopps shippers. If you haven’t […]

Change Is Coming!

Change Is Coming!

That’s right! Winter Change is coming! What does that mean for you, the reader? Not terribly much. However, things might look slightLy different come November 5th. (Remember, remember, the 5th of November.) Why would they look different on that day, you […]