Zootopiology returns, now with Saberspark!

Zootopiology returns, now with Saberspark!

It’s been quite some time since the last episode of Zootopiology aired, but Andy Lagopus and ACRacebest are here for more in-depth Zootopia disucssions! We’ve upped the production quality, gotten a new (vastly more famous) person to join us, and […]

r/Zootopia Hits 20K Predditors!

r/Zootopia Hits 20K Predditors!

Have you heard the news? One of the most prolific platforms in the Zootopia community – The Zootopia subreddit – has just recently reached 20K Predditors, making it the largest Disney movie Subreddit aside from r/disney! That’s a huge milestone […]