
40,000 Pageviews!

<li><table align=”center” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ class=”tr-caption-container” style=”margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;”><tbody> Source FOR THE EMPEROR! What, did you think 50,000 views was the next major benchmark? Well, it is now, but how could I pass up this chance for Zootopia […]


The First ZNN Ranger Scout Challenge!

Source I, Andy Lagopus, promise to be brave, loyal, helpful, and trustworthy! Welcome, welcome, one and all, to our first ever Ranger Scout Challenge!* (*final name still up for debate)   As I explained yesterday, these will be a series […]


Official Blu-Ray Release date!

Source Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have an official Blu-ray release date for Zootopia! According to, it’ll be coming out on June 7th, 2016! So, if you haven’t already, head over to Amazon and reserve your copy before they […]



O. M. Goodness!  I said I expected to reach 20,000 in a few days, not a few hours!  Thank you all so, so, SO much!  This is absolutely incredible!  The site hasn’t even been live for two weeks yet!  Thank […]


Try Everything on Dancing With The Stars!

Source Last night I reported that part of Disney Night on Dancing With The Stars would feature Jodie Sweetin and Keo Motsepe dancing to “Try Everything”.  Well, not only did they dance to the song, but they danced alongside Gazelle […]


xkcd references Zootopia

xkcd, an incredibly popular web series, mentioned zootopia in their latest comic.  I honestly don’t know what Wikipedia Talk pages are, or how they work when talking about individual cities, but I guess I’ll take xkcd’s word for it. Yeah, […]


Zootopia is the #21 Best movie of all time!

Source Hooray!  Zootopia’s regained it’s 99{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} rating on RottenTomatoes, and is currently sitting right under the cinematic masterpiece The Adventures of Robin Hood!  Check it out here! And in other awesome news, Zootopia has cleared the $800 Million mark internationally, […]


Imagining Zootopia- Awkward…

Source So, this is a little awkward.  In my excitement, I didn’t notice that the Documentary “Imagining Zootopia” doesn’t officially release until tomorrow at 8 PM, not today.  Oops! Well, either way, get excited, because it’s a really awesome documentary that […]