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Got a Question for Clawhauser?

That’s right, Nate Torrence, the Voice Actor for our favorite Cheetah, is doing a Q&A over Twitter tomorrow at 7PM EST.  Personally, I’d like to know what his favorite type of donut is, since I’m partial to bacon-on-maple-glaze. Oh, and […]

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Zootopia EP – an album of Zootopia-inspired music by PeKaNo! [O.M.Goodness it’s awesome]

You read the title right!  A while back we featured PeKaNo’s first Zootopia tracks, Bunnyburrow and Love.  Well, this awesome musician has released their own Zootopia-inspired EP to Bandcamp, including new songs like Gaze and Pred-Prey!  It keeps the musical […]

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About the Blu-ray Leak…

Source So last week, the Blu-ray edition of Zootopia got leaked.  ZNN is fully aware of this.  And our official stance on it is that we do not condone it, and will not feature any content that uses it (such […]

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Zistopia Needs Help!

A little while ago, we featured an amazing comic series known as Zistopia.  It took concepts from the original plot and storyboards of Zootopia and expanded on them to create an epic-length comic. Well, the author/artist, NicholasWildes, has run into […]


Zootopia arrives in Japan!

Source Zootopia has officially released in Japan!  Zootopia has now, officially, gone global!  And I would guess that, if it’s a fraction as popular in Japan as it was in China or the US or Europe, that Japan will bring […]