Story Updates: April 18, 2020
Greetings, everyone! It’s that time of the week again where we share all the new updates that’ve come out over the course of the week so you can spend the weekend catching up on all the chapters you’ve been […]
Greetings, everyone! It’s that time of the week again where we share all the new updates that’ve come out over the course of the week so you can spend the weekend catching up on all the chapters you’ve been […]
Happy Saturday, everyone! Just one day away from Easter, but I hope you all are doing alright and treating yourselves well so you don’t go stir-crazy during this quarantine. While holed up in your residences, why not take some […]
Good afternoon! I hope everyone isn’t going stir-crazy right now, but in case you’re about to get crazy like a fox, have no fear, we’ve got you covered with these brand new updates. If anything, this quarantine should give […]
Well, that’s it, folks! It took longer than we had expected, but as of today, we are not OFFICIALLY caught back up with story updates. Once again, we greatly appreciate your patience as we got everything sorted together again, […]
I sincerely hope everyone is treating themselves well in the midst of this big virus scare. Keep on staying safe and make sure you maintain your health during this trying time! And while this quarantine business is going on, […]
Happy Pi Day, everyone! What would be the official pie in this fandom do you think? Blueberry pie? Seems the most fitting in my eyes at least. Anyway, it’s a Saturday, so why not take a load off by […]
Happy Thursday, folks! Here’s all the chapter updates from the first two weeks of February, ripe for the picking and ready for reading. It’s a very eclectic mix of stories, ranging from upbeat hilarity to dark and mysterious; there’s […]
So, turns out that we didn’t get the next batch of updates out to you guys last week! Please don’t be mad at us? We could give you a kiss on the forehead for good measure. In all fairness […]
As promised, here’s the next batch of chapter updates from the start of the new year! And more importantly, we have a special shout-out to give for giftheck and his recently completed story “Futures Past.” It’s a cross-dimensional extravaganza […]
Happy Wednesday, everybody! Not much to say here since we’re still keeping the fanfic update train rolling, but I did want to give a couple of mentions. First, “Clockwork Little Madness” will now have some brand new cover art […]
Hey there, folks! I know, I know, it’s been a good while (two and a half months, give or take), but I’m here to let you all know that we’re getting back on track with the fanfiction proceedings on […]
Source Updated stories: Remnants by commanderAIK Sandcastles by Tinbuzzard11 Remnants Ch. 8 FFnet | AO3 Sandcastles Ch. 18: Hare Apparent FFnet | AO3
Source Updated stories: Uncharted: A Fox’s Legacy by Dangeresque_on_Ice Ouroboros: The Endless Cycle by WANMWAD Born to Be Wilde by Berserker88 & JackOfMinds Clockwork Little Madness by Empressimperia The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia, Series 1 by J Shute Found by […]
Source Hope y’all are ready for a BIG OL’ POST of fanfiction; technical difficulties the last two weeks have kept us from being able to access the feed of fanfic updates for the stories that have been featured by ZNN. […]
Source QUICK, READ THESE STORIES. THEY UPDATED. NO TIME TO WASTE. thank u Updated stories: The Fire Triangle, Pt. 1: Fuel by Merc_Marten Clockwork Little Madness by Empressimperia Ouroboros: The Endless Cycle by WANMWAD Greetings from Manta Bay! by Bluelighthouse […]
Today, we’ve got something extra cool for you guys! Many of you are likely familiar with our very own Upplet’s behemoth-length fanfiction, When Instinct Falls. (If not, consider checking it out on his page here!) But what some of […]
Source Updated stories: The Fall by D3ath0ps The Fall Ch. 22: The Fall FFnet | AO3
Source If you’ve been waiting for the end of TheoreticallyEva’s The Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler so you can binge the whole thing, you’re in luck — the fic posted its 19th and final chapter recently. Additionally, the end of […]
Source Always a treat to see a story we haven’t featured here in a bit back on the docket. Especially when it’s something like The Fall, which we originally featured two and a half years ago. Go catch up if […]
Source If I can make this story updates post about myself for a moment, the fall season is my favorite fanfic season; something about it’s so cozy and wonderful for reading and writing. OK, enough of that self-indulgent stuff, HERE […]
Updated stories: The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia, Series 1 by J Shute Norway The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia, Series 1 The Bin and the Badge, Pt. 6 FFnet | AO3
Source Mid-week check-in! Get ready to read a whole slew of Zootopia stories, y’all. Updated stories: Clockwork Little Madness by Empressimperia The Fire Triangle, Pt. 1: Fuel by Merc_Marten Born to Be Drabbles by Berserker88 & JackOfMinds The Tale of […]
Source One for you this weekend: the latest update of J Shute Norway’s The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia series. Get reading! And shoot us an email at [email protected] if you’d like your story read and potentially featured on ZNN. Kthx. […]
Source Ya post an update that has one story in it, and the next time around, suddenly everyone updates. So, uh, get reading! And shoot us an email at [email protected] if something needs to be submitted to be read, plz. […]
Source Updated stories: The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia by J Shute Norway The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Series 1 The Bin and the Badge, Ch. 2 FFnet | AO3
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