Art of the Day #382

Art of the Day #382

Overgrown by @QalcoveArt Source [1] For today’s featured image we have a crossover pic of Nick and Judy as Disney’s Tarzan and Jane. Somehow though, I can’t imagine our intrepid bunny taking such a passive role. As matter of fact, […]

Art of the Day #380

Art of the Day #380

Trust by mshkaa Source [1] Today’s featured image is something really elegant. The artist’s use of light and shadow to create a ‘moonlight-through-the-window-blinds’ effect is nothing short of amazing. At the same time the expression on Nick and Judy’s faces […]

Art of the Day #378

Art of the Day #378

Oops by Mshkaa Source [1] Ahhhh, the trials and tribulations of interspecies relationships. Judy decided to save time by washing her and Nick’s things together. Unfortunately, her maroon dress decided to go for a run with Nick’s green Hawaiian shirt, […]

Art of the Day #377: Beware the Nighthowlers

Art of the Day #377: Beware the Nighthowlers

Savaged by Foxeus by Noxility Source [1] “Hate to disagree with you sir, but those aren’t onions; they’re a crocus varietal called Midnicampum Holicithias” Judy Hopps to Chief Bogo That was the first mention of Nighthowlers in Zootopia, the source […]

Art of the Day #376

Art of the Day #376

Balloon by Mshkaa Source [1] Whoa, don’tcha HATE when that happens? (Don’t be too upset, Nick…at least it wasn’t a RED balloon.) Wel-l-lll, while he takes care of this little problem, let’s the rest of us go check out this […]

Art of the Day #374

Art of the Day #374

Photocopier by Mshkaa Source [1] Ahhh, the copy machine, such a fine convenience, so many wonderful uses… “Sayyy Nick, if you were to…I don’t know, buy me a nice dinner, I might NOT have to post this on the bulletin […]

Art of the Day #372

Art of the Day #372

Savage Company Junior class by TheGorySaint Source [1] Hmmm, Judy seems to find that working as a crossing guard is a wee bit more satisfying than parking duty.  (Note the squirrel perched atop the lynx girl’s head, a nice touch.) […]

Art of the Day #370

Art of the Day #370

Chopsticks by Mshkaa Source [1] Today’s featured image begs the question, “What the heck would bunny-sushi be like? Rabbits are herbivores after all.” Well, while we continue to ponder that conundrum, what say we go take a look at this […]

Art of the Day #368

Art of the Day #368

Judy Hopps drawing by UnknownArtist Source [1] Greetings once again, Zootopia Fanart Aficionados. Our featured image for today is another great one by the inimitable Andrej S. Kalin–‘inspired by actual events’, as they like to say in Hollywood; the heart-shaped […]