Art of the Day #389

Art of the Day #389

Surprise!!! by link6432 Source [1] The next scene takes place in an ER… “So uh, Mr. Wilde…how DID you manage to get that starfish up your nose?” Ohhhh, I can’t bear to look, folks. I think instead I’ll go check […]

Art of the Day #388

Art of the Day #388

Unknown by @ByronPHoward Source [1] ♪ “Open the door, Get on the floor, Everybody walk the Di-no-saur!” ♫ No question about which pic should today’s featured image, folks. A not-as-yet-posted image from Byron Howard?   That’s absolutely going right to the […]

Art of the Day #386

Art of the Day #386

Frusciante by Jusu-Tengu Source [1] And hello again, good fans of Zootopia.   For today’s featured image, we have Jusu-Tengu’s first new Fru-Fru artwork in quite some time–plus many other great Zootopia fanart pics. Enjoy…and don’t forget to show the original artists […]

Art of the Day #382

Art of the Day #382

Overgrown by @QalcoveArt Source [1] For today’s featured image we have a crossover pic of Nick and Judy as Disney’s Tarzan and Jane. Somehow though, I can’t imagine our intrepid bunny taking such a passive role. As matter of fact, […]

Art of the Day #380

Art of the Day #380

Trust by mshkaa Source [1] Today’s featured image is something really elegant. The artist’s use of light and shadow to create a ‘moonlight-through-the-window-blinds’ effect is nothing short of amazing. At the same time the expression on Nick and Judy’s faces […]

Art of the Day #378

Art of the Day #378

Oops by Mshkaa Source [1] Ahhhh, the trials and tribulations of interspecies relationships. Judy decided to save time by washing her and Nick’s things together. Unfortunately, her maroon dress decided to go for a run with Nick’s green Hawaiian shirt, […]

Art of the Day #377: Beware the Nighthowlers

Art of the Day #377: Beware the Nighthowlers

Savaged by Foxeus by Noxility Source [1] “Hate to disagree with you sir, but those aren’t onions; they’re a crocus varietal called Midnicampum Holicithias” Judy Hopps to Chief Bogo That was the first mention of Nighthowlers in Zootopia, the source […]

Art of the Day #376

Art of the Day #376

Balloon by Mshkaa Source [1] Whoa, don’tcha HATE when that happens? (Don’t be too upset, Nick…at least it wasn’t a RED balloon.) Wel-l-lll, while he takes care of this little problem, let’s the rest of us go check out this […]

Art of the Day #374

Art of the Day #374

Photocopier by Mshkaa Source [1] Ahhh, the copy machine, such a fine convenience, so many wonderful uses… “Sayyy Nick, if you were to…I don’t know, buy me a nice dinner, I might NOT have to post this on the bulletin […]