Art of the Day #477

Art of the Day #477

Summer time by @RealTwelveNine Source [1] Hi again everyone, and Happy Labor Day. Along with Nick and Judy we’re letting our themed Art of the Day collections take the day off.  But fear not, they’ll be back again, next week. […]

Art of the Day #476

Art of the Day #476

Siblings by Kitsune2001 Source [1] “Did you bust a lot of bad guys?” “Are you gonna be a detective?” “Is your partner really a fox?” Hello, and welcome to this week’s random Zootopia Fanart collection. It’s always a big deal […]

Art of the Day #474

Art of the Day #474

Streetlife. by @8C88C8888CC Source [1] Today’s featured image is a great one – not only for the amount of detail, but this is that rare piece of Zootopia fanart that manages to create a plausible community of different-sized animals.  And […]

Art of the Day #473:  Anger Management

Art of the Day #473: Anger Management

Judy Click by FapioFilms Source [1] U mad, Judy? Yep, and so is everyone else in this week’s Art of the Day collection.  As part of our ongoing Inside-Out-Emotion series, we’re focusing today on dat mean ol’ feeling, anger. And […]

Art of the Day #472

Art of the Day #472

Morning by -Riska- Source [1] Ya know…somehow I get the feeling that our favorite fox doesn’t want to wake up. And hello again Zootopia aficionados.  Welcome to this week’s random Zootopia fanart collection.  We’ve got some fantastic pics lined up […]

Art of The Day #470

Art of The Day #470

Commission by CreativeCrystal Source [1] Greetings fellow fans of Zootopia. For today’s featured image, we have Nick Wilde hanging with one of Big Four Disney canon characters. (We think you can guess the other three.) But wait…there’s more!  We’ve got […]

Art of the Day #468

Art of the Day #468

Judy Hopps Ranger by Alfonso Pardo Martínez Source [1] Today’s Featured Image is one of the most detailed fanart pieces we’ve seen in a long, lonnnng time–color or no color.    It’s also one of those pics where you spot […]

Art of the Day #466

Art of the Day #466

Shake Your Groove Thing by lobowupp Source [1] We always love it when someone creates a crossover image of Zootopia and one of the lesser-known Disney animations. Our featured image for today is just such a pic — Zootopia X […]

Art of the Day #464

Art of the Day #464

Reeeeeee by @RelaxableArt Source [1] Whoa, when that shock-collar light is glowing bright-red and Nick doesn’t even seem to feel it; that’s when you know he’s REALLY torqued! Hmmmm, maybe we’d better not hang around here and instead go check out […]

Art of the Day # 462

Art of the Day # 462

Annoyed Nick by @DantesLunte Source [1] “Blankety-Blank Big Chief Buffalo Butt; can’t the guy take a JOKE?” Our featured (and opening) images for today are by Dante, a relative newcomer to the Zootopia Fanart Community. But whoa, what a way […]

Art of the Day #460

Art of the Day #460

Midnight Blues by @joabaldwin Source [1] Today’s Featured Image is something really special, a pic from Disney Artist Joaquin Baldwin. (It was awarded as a commission in a charity auction.) If you’re getting a Blade Runner vibe from this piece, […]

Art of the Day #459

Art of the Day #459

Patience is a Virtue by RedInk22 Source [1] Hello again, one and all. Our featured artwork for today is a Zootopia X Howl’s Moving Castle crossover that’s a real labor of love. It took the artist more than a month […]

Art of the Day #458

Art of the Day #458

First Crossover??? by @RedInk022 Source [1] Today’s featured image refs what is possibly the hottest animated character trending right now; the new, female Lombax from Ratchet & Clank – Rift Apart; seems like everybody wants to draw her. (And, of […]

Art of the Day #457

Art of the Day #457

Zootopia cape crusaders by Kiaun Source [1] “How come I have to be Robin?” Poor Nick, always having to play second fiddle. Hello again, everybody.  As with last week we’ll be presenting random artwork collections for both Monday and Thursday.  […]

Art of the Day #456

Art of the Day #456

Barista Judy! by @Ruffu_ Source [1] ♪ “Officer Judy is walking the beat At night she becomes a barista She works at Snarlbuck’s #40 Down on Haymarket Street Across from The Boutique-Charisma.” ♫ (Apologies to Billy Joey) Okay-y-y-y, when you’re […]