Story: First in, Last out.

Story: First in, Last out.

Art by the Author [Teen][Drama][Police] ZPD, heroes of the city, always ready to charge into the worst situation against all odds and save the day. Happily ever after… -right? This is this what Boney, in his sequel to Ready or […]

Kitsunegari: Rewritten

Kitsunegari: Rewritten

Art by Aar0njay [Rating T13][DOES NOT COMPUTE][ERR…..] What is art? What is story? What is our perception of reality, and the lines of power drawn in the sand. A long time ago we featured Kitsunegari, a fic that put us […]

I Fought The Law

I Fought The Law

Art by Koraru-San [Mature][Action][Crime] Gunfights, hackers, car chases, THE Bad guys (and gal), and the ZPD racing after them all. Alex Boehm releases an ultra fast paced sugar rush of a crime caper, pushing the accelerator up to 11 from […]

A Wizard’s Path

A Wizard’s Path

Art by Summer Bunny [Rating M][AU][Urban Fantasy] Our journey through the Wilde Files series continues and reaches an emotional climax. In addition to the exciting magical action, we will dive deeper into the emerging love life of Nick and Judy. […]

Story: BOOtopia

Story: BOOtopia

Art by the author [T-13][Horror][Mystery] All Hallows Eve is upon us, and with it one mega scary tale to REALLY get you in the mood. Nick decides to do a bit of spooky urban exploration in a place with a […]

Story: My Hero

Story: My Hero

Art by HyenaTig [General Audiences][Friendship][Suspense] It’s the night before halloween, and all across the city mammals are getting their costumes ready for the big night. After all, trick or treating is spookiness covered in loads and loads of sweetness. But […]

Story: Just One Bite

Story: Just One Bite

Art by Rose Anon [Teen+][Humour][Hurt/Comfort] All Hallows Eve shall soon be among us, and here at ZNN we’re celebrating with a SpOooKy WeeKeNd leading up to the big night. Three fics to fancy those looking for a good fright, and […]

Story: Old Habits

Story: Old Habits

Art by Art by Aar0njay [Mature][Romance][Crime] Want some more WildeHopps? Then this one will be your next fanfic to read. Old Habits offers us the perfect balance of bunny and fox, leads us through some daily ZPD action, reveals more […]

Story: Bad Vibrations

Story: Bad Vibrations

Art by Relaxable [Mature][Fluff and Angst][Hurt and Comfort] Last year, Prince Solaris burst onto the scene with (in my view) the best ‘Nick goes to Bunnyburrow’ fics out there, Corrective Measures. And now he’s back with the sequel, and firing […]

Story: Fireflies

Story: Fireflies

Art by AaronJay [Rating T+][Humour][Mystery] “I hope everyone is wearing some hiking shoes because we´re about to walk right into Fireflies, the last part of Bluelighthouse´s Firewatch series. Huge forests, large waterfalls and crystal blue lakes, welcome to Zootopia´s largest […]

Story: The Sisters Hopps

Story: The Sisters Hopps

[Rating M][Drama][Action] “It seems a long time since Zootopia was released, and indeed a long time since the golden age of fanfiction, where giant ongoing epic stories were one and a plenty. So it warms my heart that years later, […]

Story: Perfect Girlfriend

Story: Perfect Girlfriend

[Rating T+][Romance][Hurt/Comfort] “When it comes to special occasions, there’s no guarantee that everything will go swimmingly. Judy finds this out the hard way in this little bit of sweetness and light. -Metro” Author: Chili Wolfie Description : “Judy invites Nick […]

Story: Hall Monitors

Story: Hall Monitors

[Rating T+][Humour][Parody] “Day in day out, a group of brave students protect the corridors of the West Savannah Middle School. Whether it´s speeding on the hall way or dealing various sugar products, the hall monitors of the rule enforcement are […]

Story: Social Lubricant

Story: Social Lubricant

Art by Jaff96 [Rating T13][Drama][Friendship] Stop me if you’ve heard this one. A fox and a bunny walk into a bar… And a bit of fluff ensues. Don’t let the fluidy title fool you; this fic is just the thing […]

Story: New Instincts

Story: New Instincts

Art by Ruffu [Rating 13+][Action/Adventure][Mystery] So here’s a really well written sequel to all of our favorite movie! We’ve got drug busts, and political fights, and scandals, and romance. And it’s all extremely well written on top of it all! […]

Story: Isolated, Together

Story: Isolated, Together

Art by Shushik [Rating M][Comfort][Love] What a timely story! We take the current events of today’s world, and reimagine them in the world of Zootopia. The feelings are nailed, and I absolutely loved how our essential workers are portrayed. They […]

Story: OC Albums: Olivia D Poisson

Story: OC Albums: Olivia D Poisson

Art by Fairytales artist [Rating K+][Drama][Fantasy] “Another short character prequel for something stinks, this short story by Omnitrix covers the backstory of a certain skunk and how she became head of the biggest perfume company in Zootopia. A heartwarming story […]

Story: The Burrows

Story: The Burrows

[Rating T13][Family][Drama] “Fresh air, fresh skies and… familiar faces? Carrying on with characters from past fics, Gabriel LaVedier gives a big serving of slice of life in this slow burn story. There’s lots of weddings planned between country and city […]

Story: Ain’t No Thing Like Me

Story: Ain’t No Thing Like Me

Art by Lobowupp [Rating T13][Adventure][Mystery] More than just a simple crossover, the film noire type OCs push this gritty take on the world of Zootopia into some very interesting places! ~Tona Author: Finmonster Description : “Months have passed since the […]

Night Plague: The Beast Awakens

Night Plague: The Beast Awakens

[Rating T13][Supernatural][Suspense] “Hold on to your crucifix, get a wooden stake and take some garlic with you. We´re in the 1890s and Zootopia´s finest real estate broker Nicholas Wilde is ready for a lucrative business trip to Romania. The journey […]

Story: Savage Measures

Story: Savage Measures

Art by AlanSchezar [Rating T13][Detective Noir][Murder Mystery] The Thin Blue line faces new challenges every day to make the world just a little bit better. But one challenge can change the life of an officer within one day. Savage Measures […]