Story Updates: January 2025: The Fall Beneath the Fun Officers Sisters Eulogy for the Long Crimson Oxidizer Foxes of Zootopia
Fanfic Updates

Story Updates: January 2025: The Fall Beneath the Fun Officers Sisters Eulogy for the Long Crimson Oxidizer Foxes of Zootopia

Hellooooo Zootopians! A new year and new updates with three fics getting FOUR new chapters in each. Major props to Confused Goatee, Skul and Giftheck there. -But in terms of wordcount, we also have a monster of a chapter from […]

Story Updates: December 2024: The Fire Stained Days Long Eulogy Journals Verses Beneath the Unturned Fantastic Violet Evergreen Tails.
Fanfic Updates

Story Updates: December 2024: The Fire Stained Days Long Eulogy Journals Verses Beneath the Unturned Fantastic Violet Evergreen Tails.

Happy Gnu Year Zootopia! Well, 2024 has sure been a busy year for fics and fic updating, the first full year I’ve been at it and one in which we’ve had a few fics reach the line, and a few […]

Story Updates: November 2024: Beneath the Stained Evergreen Foundations of Zootopia. The Long Part II
Fanfic Updates

Story Updates: November 2024: Beneath the Stained Evergreen Foundations of Zootopia. The Long Part II

Nights are getting shorter and the weather getting colder. Unless you’re living in the southern hemisphere, in which case everything is getting very nice as summer is coming! Either way, the perfect time to read some fanfic! While we have […]

Story: Beneath the Funfactory

Story: Beneath the Funfactory

Art by Giftheck [Rating T13][Horror][Mystery] Abandoned factory? Creepy Dolls? Missing Orphans? Well, if you’re as genre savvy as Nick is in this fic, you know where this is going. While Five Night’s at Freddy’s and Indigo Park might be the […]

Story Updates: October 2024: A Better Story Update
Fanfic Updates

Story Updates: October 2024: A Better Story Update

Hellloooooo Zootopians! Welcome, to the MONTH OF SPOOKY update and, uh… -Well, doesn’t look like we have any spooky stories this year, and… -Uh oh (ducks). Okay Trisha, put the pinecone down. We certainly have one Halloween story with a […]

Story: Stained Crimson

Story: Stained Crimson

Art by CalicoPikachu [Rating T13]Adventure/Hurt/Comfort Question: What happens when an old regular, giving updates of his long fic since pretty much the start of the fandom, comes to its end and has a whole lot of time on his paws? […]

Story: We Just Call them Nighthowlers

Story: We Just Call them Nighthowlers

Art by OceRydia [Rating M16][Humour][Romance] Now here’s a fic many of you may have heard of, a fic whose parts and pieces cast a great wide net over many others. Most importantly, THIS is the story that gave the fandom […]

Story: Tears in the Dark

Story: Tears in the Dark

Art by author [Rating K9][Poetry][Angst/Comfort] Prose, rhyme, meter, Not well know in Fanfiction, Zootopia. Fox, angst, rage at betrayal. Spurned and abandoned, by Cottontail. In fox club, bohemia, Poetry, reveals ya. Reunion, forgiveness? Can we say less. A poetic exploration […]

Fanfic Updates: One year on!
Fanfic Updates

Fanfic Updates: One year on!

Welcome back Zootopia fans, it’s monthly update time and boy do we have an update for you. -First off, it’s the one year anniversary of the return of fic updates, a cause for celebration in and of itself. But wait, […]

Story: Officers Verse

Story: Officers Verse

Art by Lobowupp [Rating T13][Romance][Slice of Life][Humour] A long time ago, we followed Confused Goatee and his fanfics. From the first weasel on the ZPD to a Tiger and Wolf running off to fall in love. But just because we […]

Story: Torment & Tenderness

Story: Torment & Tenderness

Art by Author [Rating M16][Angst][Hurt/Comfort] If there’s one good thing to come from ‘The comic that shall NOT be named’, it’s how many authors have chosen to reverse-uno card the premise and take on their own vision of the premise… […]

Story: Substitute Cheerleader

Story: Substitute Cheerleader

Art by Giftheck [Rating K9][Humour][Friendship] ‘Take the Cheerleader elective in gym they said.’ ‘It’ll be fun they said.’ ‘It’ll never come back to bite you in the bunny-butt when you’re a successful Police Officer’ -They DIDN’T say, so Judy’s got […]

Story: Whitetail

Story: Whitetail

Art by Author [Rating M16][Drama][Romance][Slow Burn] A few weeks ago we gave a review to Octavian Clef’s fluffy cottagecore main story, Sewing Roots, and today we look into its small spin off, Whitetail. Following Tink, silverfox purveyor of good deals, […]

Story: Badge & O’Possum: Ace Attorneys

Story: Badge & O’Possum: Ace Attorneys

Art by Quirky-Middle-Child [Rating T13][Mystery][Humor] Hold it! This fic is GUILTY -of being one pawsome and crazy crossover. Zootopia and Ace Attorney, two IPs as far apart as you can get, right? Well OBJECTION, Berserker and JackofMinds do an amazing […]

Story: Sewing Roots

Story: Sewing Roots

Drawn by Author [Rating T13][Slice of Life][Romance] Zootopia! The big city! Full of high paced action, the favourite OCs, all the big and the bold and… -You know what? Sometimes, you just want something different. Something slower and gentler. Something […]