Video: New Zootopia Tour Animation Promoting Zootopia+


What’s up Zootopia fans? I know the biggest news recently was the big sequel announcement, but that’s still a bit of a way off, so let’s not forget about what’s available right now, i.e. Zootopia+. Dinsey certainly doesn’t seem to want us to forget as they’ve gone and released a short tour video promoting the show.

This delightfully animated piece takes us on a quick tour around Zootopia showing off the various locals from each of the episodes. They even throw in a nice little tidbit about each place, just perfect for all you lore collectors out there looking to expand your understanding of Zootopia.

So if you want to learn a bit more about the city or are just looking for some more animated Zootopia goodness, then be sure to check out the video down below or over on Twitter. And heck, maybe even give Zootopia+ another watch while you’re at it. I know that tour showcase has certainly got me thinking about the show again.

1 Comment

  1. Animated movies like this used to be very popular in the 90s fortunately now it is back and surprisingly refreshed.

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