Story Updates: Oct. 23, 2019 (‘The Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler’ Complete!)

Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler


If you’ve been waiting for the end of TheoreticallyEva’s The Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler so you can binge the whole thing, you’re in luck — the fic posted its 19th and final chapter recently.

Additionally, the end of the second part of ayziks’ In the Days That Followed is complete; the writer doesn’t rule out a third part to complete the trilogy, but if it does come, it may be a bit.

Six additional fics, too! Embarrassment of riches.

Updated stories:
In the Days That Followed by ayziks
Closed Doors by Hawktooth
Clockwork Little Madness by empressimperia
The Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler by TheoreticallyEva
Born to Be Drabbles by Berserker88 & JackOfMinds
Ouroboros: The Endless Cycle by WANMWAD
Guardian Blue: Season 3 by Alps Sarsis
The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia, Series 1 by J Shute Norway

In the Days That Followed
Ch. 71: Waters of Atlantea Epilogue

Closed Doors
Ch. 38: B’resheet

Clockwork Temporary

Clockwork Little Madness
Ch. 23: Jack III
FFnet | AO3

Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler

The Tale of Crossfire and the Hustler
Ch. 19: The Most Amazing Things
FFnet | AO3

Born to Be Drabbles
Ch. 12: In Dire Straights, Pt. 2
FFnet | AO3

Ouroboros: The Endless Cycle
Ch. 58
FFnet | AO3

GB Season 3

Guardian Blue: Season 3
Ch. 12: Syndicate
FFnet | AO3

The Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia, Series 1
So We’re Inters Now, Pt. 1
FFnet | AO3


  1. Should be noted, Closed Doors is also on AO3:

  2. Additionally, the end of the second part of ayziks’ In the Days That Followed is complete; the writer doesn’t rule out a third part to complete the trilogy, but if it does come, it may be a bit.

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