NaNoWriMo, Zootopia style!


Greetings Zootopia fans!  We’ve got a special event coming up, and Andy just couldn’t plan it himself has allowed me to organize it.  I’m Dominic Faux, aka Shadow9692, and I will be reporting on this throughout the whole month of November!

Introducing ZNN’s first ever NaZoWriMo, our very own Zootopia version of NaNoWriMo!

If you haven’t heard of NaNoWrMo, it is a large event in which writers, aspiring, new, or experienced, are challenged to write a novel in the span of one month.  The focus is on quality over quantity in this event. It’s meant to help writers get their ideas out, without stressing too much over the fine edits and revisions. That can always be done later.

With our event, NaZoWriMo, we plan to ask the same thing of our readers. Write a 50,000 word fanfiction during the month of November. It may seem like a lot of words, and it is, but if you’re willing to give it a shot, you might really surprise yourself! It’s about 1,667 words a day.

Every story that is written for NaZoWriMo will be featured in one mega-post in the beginning of december, regardless of quality!  The goal is to write at least 50,000 words, so don’t worry too much about making grammatical mistakes.

Sign up lasts until Monday, November 7th– if you haven’t started by then, you’re putting yourself at a pretty big disadvantage.  The event will run until Thursday, December 1st.  Email the finished story to [email protected] with [NaZoWriMo] in the subject line, after your story’s title.

Get the rules and the sign-up link after the break!  We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

In order to enter, you’ll need to provide us with the name you want to use. In addition, if you’ve got an idea already, you can give us a short little summary.

This event is still ZNN related, so there are of course basic content rules.

If you’ve read our submission page, a few of these rules will look familiar. If you haven’t, check it out, The rules I list here will be a bit more in depth over there.

  • Your story must be related to Disney’s Zootopia.
  • No NSFW content in the story.
  • Refrain from excessive gore.
  • No plagiarism.
Follow this link to sign up for NaZoWriMo!

This is a pretty big event for all of us, so I just want to tell all of you to be willing to try your best. We’re organizing this big event for everyone, and I feel its a great experience for everyone. Work your hardest at something you care about and it’ll show.  I’m asking all of you to go out there and write the story you want to write! Good luck to everyone!

Dominic Faux, signing off.


  1. It's worth mention that registering your novel with the NaNoWriMo site itself gives you access to some nice features, like a word counter and verifier and a handy goal tracker. Also, if you're a participant you get 20{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} off a really nice word processor called Scrivener and if you win you get 50{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} off.

  2. Is it alright to use an existing story, I wrote a zootopia noir story months ago and only got a few chapters in and I was wondering, can I use that story (that is on wattpad, fanfic etc.) and make it into a 50000 word story?

    • You can adapt it for this, sure. You can take the original plot you had and expand on it to make it a new 50k word story.

  3. This sounds like a fantastic idea! Thanks guys for using such initiative in keeping the hype rolling along. XD

  4. Does the story have to be 100{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} Zootopia related? I have a story going that has chapters take place in Zootopia but not the whole book.

  5. Would something along the lines of Resident Evil and Zootopia be permissible? Not talking about zombies or an apocalypse, more along the lines of a mansion where Judy and Nick go missing and get separated during a recovery and investigation into a recent outbreak of Nighthowler victims. New nighthowler drug, and some references to Resident Evil with with first game's mansion and such. That's about all. Aside from fitting the mansion into the Zootopia world, nothing else is exactly changed. Just a serious question relating to blending two worlds completely into another that it is lore friendly.

  6. It sounds like an amazing idea. I have already made a little novel, but guess I could make it bigger. Don't know if I should try it or not. And don't even know if the novel-part is good :-/

  7. In the past for NaNoWriMo, at the advice of founder Chris Baty, I've made a point not to delete any words (yet). Instead, I highlight the words that I want to ignore, since the strike-through feature is more difficult to implement in my software. But if I submit the story for publication on this site, I suspect that the highlighting won't appear. Does this mean I should delete those words and try to get to 50,000 without them?

    Also, how picky is your word counter? Mine reads spaced dashes and ellipses as words unto themselves. whereas unspacing them turns two words into one.

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