Now there’s a question I never thought I’d get an answer to.
This video comes to us from NickWilde ZPD, who put quite a bit of time into proving that obviously Disney should have hired Michael Bay to direct their film. It’d make it so much better, right? Zootopia wasn’t exactly lacking in the explosion department, but who cares, MOAR EXPLOSIONS!
Oh no, not Michael Bay. Over dramatic explosions are on the way
rest in peace explosions , rest in peace XD
I liked the copious overuse of lens flare.
good trailer, but the explosions effect's little bit over dramatic
it's a Michael Bay film what do you expect 😀
Michael Bayatthemoon was actually hired to bring Nick and Judy's story to the very big screens of Zootopia. Nick was all in and told the director where all the missing explosions actually belonged in the investigation. He was at a loss to explain how anything could have possibly exploded in the long fall from the sewer system into the river, he was, however, adamant that it had happened.
explosions, explosions everywhere