Comic: A Funny Joke (original by Borba)

What’s the point of having friends if you can’t make them groan at your lame jokes?
Well, emotional support and encouragement.  But mainly the lame jokes.  So it’s always great when they can turn it around and get a groan out you in return.
This great short comic comes to us from Borba, the artist behind The Night Howlers Effect and Hopps Family Ties.  I would say more, but that would risk spoiling the punchline.
Check out the comic over on deviantart, or after the break!


  1. Nice comic, the trophy shelf and the couple rings are a nice touch… :3 :3 :3
    #oscar4thewin #wildehopps

    • In America we have an expression, "I'm all ears," which means I am listening with all my attention. Both Finnick and Judy have over-large ears, and so the expression is used as a double pun: they are willing to listen to the joke, and they have big ears.

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