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What If…? by Alamarus |
[Collection] [AU] [Rated T13]
One year ago, Cimar organized a massive project that brought together a multitude of authors in the online Zootopia community. The result was the highly successful and popular “One Hundred Kisses.” Now, he’s done it again with another collaborative effort that involves a new batch of writers- except this time, the main focus is alternate universes!
The collection is comprised of self-contained stories that explore a large assortment of scenarios for Nick and Judy to experience, which range from the downright hilarious to the deadly serious. Like the previous mega-project, it’s an ambitious undertaking, but so far it’s paying great dividends with some imaginative plots and a whole lot of silly fun. There’s something for everyone to enjoy, so have at it! -DrummerMax64
Author: Cimar of Turalis WildeHopps (and Others)
Description :
What if…Judy and Nick were hitmammals for Mr Big? What if…the Night Howler case had never happened. What if…Nick and Judy ended up in jail for crashing that train? On a routine patrol, Nick and Judy get to find out just what might happen in those situations, as a machine in Fitwick’s Arcade lets them examine the “What if’s?” in life. Created by 32 authors/artists and counting.
“What If…” Collaboration
Also on Fanfiction.Net
Additional Tags: What if Disney never decides to release a Zootopia sequel? Then we riot!
oh boy TWO school aus? its like the worst thing ever times two!
yeah, this "story" (more like abomination) is absolute garbage.
yikes i didn't think it was that bad
Hate to break it to you ZNN, but this post definitely isn't a news-worthy piece of content. It's so cringy and completely destroys the characters of Nick, Judy, and everyone else that the movie worked so hard to forge.
You're completely welcome to your opinion of this project, but just know that I, and many of the authors involved in this had a great deal of fun with the various scenarios, and overall the reception has been positive. The best part of fiction is the simple element that you can make anything happen. The rules of reality can be set aside, and molded to the whims of the author.
The truth is that there's enough space in the fandom for a broad range of topics to be covered. There is no need to like them all, but it might help for you to realize that something like this is viewed positively by quite a few readers.
Oh, and Cimar's male FYI. Just noticed your second post.
I actually enjoy this Collab. Seeing all these different scenarios play out while Nick and Judy get to experience all these fun adventures. I think it's somewhat refreshing to see work like this. It's like a little sampling of different worlds. Sure we could just keep reading all the different slice of Life stories where Nick and Judy work for the ZPD and figure out what to do about their love…but this story offers something fresh and new!
Okay, I feel obligated to defend this collab despite not having actually read it. (My classwork, my life, my own story, and the stories I already follow are more than enough for me right now.) I actually wish I'd had the time to join the collab, and here's why:
This collab is EXACTLY the kind of thing this fandom needs. It's no secret that this fandom relies on fan-made content more than most, and a lot of THAT content is fanfiction. To keep this fandom going, we need regular injections of fresh ideas, as well as excuses to interact with each other as fans. "What If" accomplishes both of these goals beautifully.
Are all of the Alternate Universes going to be good ideas? No. What this collab allows the authors to do is to try ideas they may not have risked trying by themselves (and in short-form, so they don't waste tons of hours doing so). Some of those ideas are going to be gold mines, some of them are going to be garbage, and some of them are going to be flawed-but-worth-exploring. I'm sure "What If" is going to serve as an invaluable experience and/or resource for this fandom's writers! It's an exploration into what works and what doesn't, as well as a sampling of all sorts of writing styles! (Think of some of the best TV shows you've ever seen. They ALL have their best and worst episodes, but the good shows know how to learn from their successes and failures.)
Just consider the controversial "I Will Survive" from Borba. Now, I did not personally like or agree with that comic, but it got a ton of the fandom interacting, and it inspired a LOT of people to try their own hand at certain things. Love it or hate it, it had an impact. The entire fandom learned many things from it, and for that reason alone I'm very thankful it was made.
Further: Some of the absolute best content this fandom has to offer comes from people forming friendships and working together, and "What If" probably has been an excellent opportunity to form such friendships! Who knows… we may see the rise of another iconic duo along the lines of "Kulkum & TheWyvernsWeaver", "Helthehatter & skeletonguys-and-ragdolls", "midnightopheliac & TheWinterBunny", etc…!
TL;DR – In my honest opinion, "What If" is totally newsworthy, as it's the kind of fan-experimentation and fan-interaction we need if we want the Zootopia fandom to continue to survive and thrive!
Well said!
This! All of this is right on point!
All these people writing about whatever turd floats to the top of the ol'punchbowl? No thank you. I'd rather read stories with some actual depth and originality to them – actual content – rather than this poorly strungup excuse to promote Cim's stuff again. She and ZNN must have some kind of deal or something. Again and again all the good writers and artists are snuffed into the back while this clown keeps feeding off the attention and work of others: ZNN LITERALLY put "And Others" right after Cim's name! What kind of crap is that? Give them all some recognition for crap's sake instead of just stuffing more glory down Cim's alley.
We did that because there are a TON of authors involved in this, and more keep being added. And sure, 90{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} of everything is crap, but even if you don't like the stories we feature, they meet our standards for quality and content.