You Choose the Next ZNN Interview… Again!

Voting Season with Zootopia Minute by SouthparkTaoist

Hello, everyone! Lucario389 here with a bit of a lead-up to our next animated onterview! That’s right, you get to vote once again!

Last time, we held an open poll for the entire community to choose from, and that had… mixed results.  Once we cleared out all the votes made by bots, the winner was TrashasaurusRex, a fun and talented artist whose interview you can see here!

This time, however, the voting will be a bit different.  To prevent spamming and other issues like we had last time, the vote will be conducted on our Community Discord Server, which you can join by clicking HERE.  It’s a fun place with a ton of great people, so come and join us!

We have 10 more awesome content creators that you can vote for. Some of them are on the ZNN team (which was asked for on the ZNN community server), while others have no ties to us whatsoever.  Either way, they’re totally awesome and we’d love to interview any of them!  Check out the full list of candidates after the break!


Kulkum and TheWyvernsWeaver
Starfang’s Secrets


  1. Can't take the time yet to join another site, but if I did I'd absolutely vote Kulkum and WyvernsWeaver

  2. Anyone can be anything. If that guy wants to wear a hat that happens to look like a Trump slogan, then he can. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you just have to try and deal with it in a manner that doesn't bring harm to that guy. It is actually very fitting that the image uses symbolism from both parties because this site represents a community of people from all walks of life.

    • I'm confused, how is a Trump supporter slogan a National Socialist German Worker's Party, aka Nazi, slogan? Wouldn't a Sander's supporter slogan fit better since Sander's is a Democratic Socialist? If you don't know if he is a Nazi, then why jump onto the hate train first instead of actually talking with him to find out if they are really a Nazi?

    • May I ask kindly that we not get super political in here and start throwing out names. Yes it may be a trump slogan but I would like to think that they are actually working together since they aren't attacking each other in the picture. in fact they have the donkey and elephant kissing to show they aren't enemies. Now again, let's not have any fights.

  3. Can you stop with your good and bad side of the world? Nobody here is interested in your political opinions, take that to the youtube comments or something.

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