Video: Tour of Jumbeaux’s Sweets Shop on Disney Cruise Line


A little while back, we reported on the addition of Jumbeaex’s Sweets Shop to the Disney Cruise Line. We didn’t have much to show at the time, but it made for a nice first impression of what to expect. But now thanks to Ashley Carter, we’ve got a short but sweet video tour that shows off Jumbeaex’s Sweets Shop in its entirety. I don’t know about you guys, but I’d love to grab a seat with Nick and Judy and have a bite of that massive sundae they seem to be enjoying so much.

Check out the video below for the full tour and consider letting us know what you think. Would you swing by and check the place out? I know I will if I ever end up on the Disney Cruise Line.


  1. Is anyone gonna make a post about the new posters celebrating the “Year of the Snake” which also goes a little bit more into detail about Gary?

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