Preview for Zootopia comic Issue #2!

It’s preview time! The official Zootopia Comic is off to a great start, with Nick and Judy following a new case that ties one of Zootopia’s major cell service providers, PB&J (which Judy uses in the movie, if you’ll recall) up in a potentially major investigation! Hopefully you’ve all managed to get ahold of the first issue (I’m still waiting for mine to arrive), but there’s no slowing this train- AIPT Comics has gotten a preview of Issue #2!

After their investigation into the PB&J cell phone sabotage plot temporarily stalls, Officers Hopps and Wilde respond to a call that most cops would avoid like a stale donut – a break-in at the City Dump!

Or rather, a break-in at the Zootopia Recycling Depot, as its managing skunk Chuck Flowers is quick to emphasize when Hopps and Wilde arrive to view his security tapes. The footage of the felonious raccoons and opossums hauling away bags of garbage is clear enough, but what’s not clear is what kind of trash it is that they’re stealing – or why.

There’s only one way to crack this case: It’s time for a good old-fashioned stake-out!

via David Brooke, AIPT Comics

You can check out the full preview of the first five pages over on their site, but as a little teaser, here are some of the best expressions and potentially memeable images from this preview:

Nick is… not impressed

This one will probably make its way into an emote on the ZNN Community server


The hyper-expressive skunk, Mr. Flowers

Another potential emote here

Okay this one is just BEGGING to be turned into a meme of some sort. In fact, here:

Go nuts. I can’t wait to see what y’all come up with!

Anyways, we will be keeping a close eye on these comics as they develop. Stay tuned for more news!


  1. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! You are right, the expressions are fenomenal!
    I like also the fact that Mr. Flowers seem to recognize Nick… it wouldn’t happen that he is the skunk with whom butt Nike made the rug he sold to Mr. Big? It would be hilarious! XD

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