Hello once again, all! I’ve got a question for you. Who here remembers Disney Infinity? It was Disney’s foray into the toys-to-life type of game and featured all manner of Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel characters going on adventures in a large shared universe. Unfortunatley, it was only around for a few years before being shut down and while Judy and Nick were playable characters, we never got a Zootopia setting for the game. That is… until now!
The game may be shut down, but Professor Toybox still has the games toolbox and has been using it to recreate Zootopia in the game. It’s really been quite the project, he hasn’t just been recreating areas from the cities, but also day-night cycles and even missions to play. We never did end up getting an open world Zootopia game, but this project is the closest thing we’ve got to what such a game would probably look like.
You can check out the trailer below for a first glimpse of what Professor Toybox has built. And if that manages to catch your interest, you can follow the link to YouTube where he has a full playlist showing off all of his work. He also has a blog going into more detail about how he’s designed the city and various aspects of it at this link here. Be sure to check it all out, it really is quite something seeing how this passion project has managed to recreate an interactive form of Zootopia in such detail. If you’ve always wanted to see a rendition of Zootopia or just lamented that there’s never been a serious Zootopia game, then you owe it to yourself to check this project out!