For the more than 6 months, a dedicated member of the Zootopia fandom has been on a mission to build an extensive collection of DVD copies of our beloved movie. Skul, a long-time YouTuber and collaborator with ZNN, has gathered an impressive collection of more than 60 copies from a number of different countries. I sat down with “The Duke of Bootleg” for an interview on his journey to own just about every copy of Zootopia out there.
Below, you’ll find the audio for our interview, along with a summarized transcript of the answers to the questions asked.
What drove you to start collecting these unique copies of Zootopia?
“I don’t really know if there was one particular thing that really drove me to start doing it. So over the last eight years, since Zootopia started getting home video releases, I have just happened to pick up quite a few copies just for myself, because Zootopia is my favorite film of all time.”
Have you come across any rare or special editions of the movie that have surprised you?
“What has surprised me the most is just how undocumented most of these are… I found a copy of Zootopia on DVD with a gold holiday themed slipcover that was sold exclusively in Walmart for Christmas 2016 and there wasn’t any information on the entire internet that it existed.”
Are there any specific copies that you know exist and that you want to add to your collection but have really struggled to find?
“I’m currently working with some awesome people in the Zootopia community to help me procure copies from other countries… I just got done talking with someone in the ZNN community who is willing to buy me some UK copies of Zootropolis and send them to me.”
How do you preserve and display your collection? Do you keep them in mint condition or watch them to spot differences?
“I display my movies, my copies of Zootopia, all on a bookshelf in my office… For the most part, I just leave them in the condition that I find them in.”
When Zootopia 2 releases, do you think you’ll attempt to replicate the collection, or maybe add on to it with a home video for Zootopia 2?
“I’m not planning on doing it again with Zootopia 2, mostly because with Zootopia, it’s eight years old, and in those eight years there’s been a lot of variants of it… there just wouldn’t be that much of a reason for me to go after everything when there’s not that much to go after in the first place.”
Is there any one thing you would want to see in Zootopia 2 that you think feel would make it as special as the first film or close to a special?
- “I just want for Nick and Judy to kiss, and I’ll be happy.”
That wraps it up! A huge thank you to Skul for being so open and enthusiastic about his project and for making this interview a delight. Be sure to check out his YouTube channel, where he frequently shares updates on his impressive collection. And if you’re eager to hear more about Skul’s journey, don’t miss this month’s podcast episode!