One year more
Another year until our destiny
Near decade’s past since we last saw Judy
We all know of Bellwether’s crimes
Won’t see her for a second time
One year more
We’ll come alive upon that day
How long to live while we’re still waiting?
One year more
Premiere is closer day by day
And yet so long till viewing’s started
One year more
One more year all on our own
We will surely meet again
One more year ’till Disney’s sharing
I can’t wait to watch with you
What are the animators up to?
And we swear to leave reviews!
Hope they know how much we care!
(Full disclosure, I initially wanted to actually sing this, but we don’t have many vocalists on the staff, and that’s about as far as we got in the lyrics. If anyone wants to help finish it up, just leave a comment! -Andy)