Art of the Day #1776: So Proudly We Hail

Nick x Judy Fireworks by EvinAR
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Hello again everybody–and Happy Independence Day!

In honor of the occasion, ZNN is proud to present a Zootopia Fanart Collection dedicated to that grand, old, 4th-of-July tradition–fireworks!

However, before we go any further, we must admit to cheating a little.  Some of the pics shown here are actually from various New Year’s celebrations, both Western and Chinese.   In spirit, though, we think they’re appropriate, don’t you?

And so, without further ado, it’s time to fire up the barbecue, set the picnic table, load up the cooler, and settle back in your lawn chairs. Tonight, we’re celebrating Independence Day in Zootopia.  Enjoy…and don’t forget to show the original artists some love by clicking on the source-links.


We open the festivities with some pics of Judy enjoying a fireworks spectacle.

Happy New Year Fireworks by Ankokuu
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Judy Staring at Fireworks by @RelaxableArt
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And now, let’s bring Nick into the mix.

Happy Forth of July by bernie-buddy
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Happy New Year Wildehopps by @Asigart
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Happy New Year by Smithfox
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Happy New Year 2023 by @Judyhopps_2
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There are many great places to watch a fireworks display.  On a picnic blanket is always a fine choice.

Light up the Sky by nobby-art
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Fireworks by rkaoril
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…Especially with some snacks to munch on.

Judy and Nick by AloisMorgan
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Or…while taking a stroll together; also a good one.

Walking Together by @RealTwelveNine
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And then there’s the old standby; watching from a balcony as the skies light up.

Fireworks Nite by ulako
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But then…who needs the skies when you’re got each other?

4th of July WildeHopps by @DuyaFerdinand
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As long as we’re up here, let’s get a bit more formal, shall we?

Happy Chinese New Year by akee
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WildeHopps Calendar January 2024 by Koraru-san
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Happy new year Zootopia Drawpile Collab by HakuPeony
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Zootopia New Years by kentcj
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Okay, the image below isn’t exactly the right look for Independence Day.  Who cares?  It’s a great piece of fanart.

Summer by @mochicco_ZPD
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It’s no use Carrots, he’s got you; there’s only one thing left that you can do…

Judy and Nick by freedomthai
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THERE you go!

And on that note, we present a series of images with some serious fireworks on display–and the rockets in the background are pretty spectacular, too.

New year’s Kiss by Ziegelzeig
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Fireworks by Lucky13spirits
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A Kiss by 老Boy_NN
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Happy New Year, My Lover by Peanut-K
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ZooComic 47 by NACCHAN96
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And now…what say we bring a few more members of the Zootopia cast into the festivities?

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2020 New Year by AAR0NJAY
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Happy new Year Zootopia by TheBlueberryCarrots
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And finally…

Finnick + Beer + Fireworks.  What could possibly go wrong?

MERICA! by @aaronjay_askal
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Until next time…duck and cover!


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