Story Updates: November 2023: Castles in the Sand

Another month, and another fic to make it across the line. And WHAT! A! FIC! Four years, just shy of Three-Hundred K, and after one hell of a ride Tinbuzzard brings his masterpiece ‘Sandcastles’ across the line!

For those who haven’t read it, all I can say is that this story takes a genre not-oft travelled in the fandom, the political thriller, and grips it by the horns and rides it for all its worth. An exciting, often nailbitingly tense thriller, with intelligent and complex themes that use and expand the world and ideas of Zootopia in truly brilliant and unique ways. A fantastic recommendation for those looking for a story to dive into.

And that’s not all! Ripping out from the past, AgentExeider’s fic, Shadows in the Dark, returns, and most certainly strives to make up for lost time. And after Bluelighthouse’s ‘Barkeeps’ dug its way out of the fic graveyard a few months ago, his ‘Explosive Love’ follows suit to join the ever growing shambling brain hungry pinecone wielding horde.

We have other long gone fics making a return, along with familiar regulars and even, in a first for ZNN, a story update for a fic I don’t think we’ve even featured yet! -That chap isn’t getting shown here, but that lack of a featuring is gonna be on our ‘to fix’ list for certain.

But enough talking, we have fic updates to show and for you to read! Enjoy!

Updated Stories:
Sandcastles by Tinbuzzard11
Zootopia: Shadows in the Dark by AgentExeider
Explosive Love by Bluelighthouse
Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Season 2 by J_Shute
First in, Last out by Boney
The Fire Triangle: Part II – Oxidizer by Merc_Marten
Story: Safety in Your Whiskers by LemonWrote
Fuzz by SkulShurtugalTCG
Reservations by Vekrote
Evergreen by Aninat131

New chapters after the break!

Sandcastles by Tinbuzzard11


Zootopia: Shadows in the Dark by AgentExeider


Explosive Love by Bluelighthouse


Fantastic Foxes of Zootopia: Season 2 by J_Shute


First in, Last out by Boney


The Fire Triangle: Part II – Oxidizer by Merc_Marten


Story: Safety in Your Whiskers by LemonWrote


Fuzz by SkulShurtugalTCG


Reservations by Vekrote


Evergreen by Aninat131

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