Story: Sing About Me

Art by Alicorn Airport


There’s plenty to say about the mammals of Zootopia. But what of more cold-blooded animals? Richard Letterman endeavours to answer this by covering the ordeals of monitor lizard Akachi Mamba as he contends with Zootopia’s unfamiliar environs. ~Metro

Author: Richard Letterman

Description :
“A monitor lizard named Akachi Mamba unwittingly moves to Zootopia. Haunted by his past, he sees this as an oppotunity to begin life anew when his home country becomes engulfed in civil war. However, he soon learns that a fresh start isn’t possible for someone like him in a mammalian city.

Meanwhile, a monitor lizard named Akachi Mamba immigrates to Zootopia to begin a new life when his home country erupts in civil war. Soon, decisions he will make garners the attention of ZPD’s finest, especially when a deadly new drug takes the city by storm.”

Sing About Me

Additional Tags: Is Zootopia a safe haven for this lizard, or is this a case of “out of the frying pan, into the fire?”

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