Comic: The ZPD Files (By AAR0NJAY)


Hello, one and all! I’ve got a quick question I want to ask: Anybody remember Zootopia: Crime Files? Fun little mobile crime-solving game where you got to help Nick and Judy investigate crime scenes and solves cases? We even reviewed it a while back. Despite the tedious wait times that inevitably come with mobile games, it still made for some fun Zootopia based crime/puzzle-solving goodness along with some nice character interactions to boot. It may no longer be available since its developer Hibernum Créations went under, but as it turns out, there are still those out there dedicated to keeping the spirit of the game alive, those like AAR0NJAY and their latest work, The ZPD Files, a comic based heavily on the game.

When the Natural History Museum is attacked by vandals and two employees wind up missing, Officers Hopps and Wilde are on the case…eventually…once they’re finished with parking duty. With a story sporting fun characters, both new and old, and finely drawn art, it makes for a thoroughly enjoyable read.

So if you’re looking to revisit the game in some shape or form or are just looking to get involved in some crime-solving comic goodness, then The ZPD Files may be just the thing to occupy your time with. It just finished its first chapter so now’s a great time to check it out. Click on the link below and give it a read!

Zootopia: The ZPD Files