Comic: The Zootopia Bake-Off (By djanthony9000)


I know I’ve said something along these lines before, but it still doesn’t change the fact that the skill and dedication of some of the artists in this fandom is truly a marvel to behold, even now over four years since Zootopia first made its cinematic debut. There aren’t many other fandoms that would still be able to churn out quality content like this after only one movie, that’s for sure.

As if the quality one-shot comics the fandom keeps providing weren’t enough, DomJAnthony decided to kick things up a notch with a whole comic story that the Gideon/Sharla shippers are sure to love. When a newly married Gideon and Sharla win the Carrots Day Bake-Off, they’ll find themselves off to Zootopia and aiming to win big. Along the way, they’ll run into quite a number of our other favourite mammals while exploring the events that ultimately brought them together.

Good writing and quality art ensure this comic series is just perfect for those looking for good visuals and a great story with lots of fluff along with a pinch or two of angst. Be sure to check out the full comic series over on DeviantArt under djanthony9000.