Tonight’s dose of midnight madness is less “Andy has gone mad, post memes” and more “the world has gone mad, also post some memes”.
I was quoted in USA Today.
…I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that.
In an article by entertainment writer Hannah Yasharoff, USA Today took a bit of a deeper dive into Shakira’s half-time show outfit. In the section talking about the comparisons to Gazelle’s costume by fans on social media, my tweet on the subject was mentioned.

So… yeah. That happened. You can read the full article on USAtoday.com , though you’ll probably need to disable your adblocker to do so.
And now for something totally different. I admit I don’t understand the “A MAN HAS FALLEN INTO THE RIVER IN LEGO CITY” meme, but Bmanlegoboy managed to put together the first one of those memes that’s actually made me laugh, so I figured I’d share it with you while I rebuild my mind from the pieces it was blown into (hah, lego joke, didn’t actually mean for that one to happen).
Check that out down below.
Way to go, Andy!