
Story: The Strongest Bonds

Art By: Quirky Middle-Child [Rating T13][Mystery][Romance][Humor][Suspense][Complete] A terrific mix of romantic fluff, intense thrills and stimulating police work, all revolving around a new case that Nick and Judy are entangled in that will test their resolve and love for one […]


Story: Love Stands With Pride

Art by: TheWinterBunny [Rating K9][Romance][Drama][Hurt/Comfort] A powerful, moving story in which Nick and Judy attempt to overcome a new kind of adversity that crops up in Zootopia following the unexpected results of a controversial election: the potential ban of interspecies […]


Story: Safe Paws

Art by: TheWinterBunny [Rating M16][Romance][Hurt/Comfort][Friendship] There’s nothing quite like a comforting WildeHopps romance story to indulge in and warm your heart, and this one’s no exception. A bona fide fluff-fest of epic proportions, this work explores Nick and Judy’s deepening […]


Story: Electric Eldritch Eidolon

Art by: TheWyvernsWeaver [Rating M16][Thriller][Horror][Supernatural] It takes something special to write a Zootopia story in which one of the main characters dies in the first few paragraphs, but Electric Eldritch Eidolon pulls it off masterfully. What follows is a suspenseful […]


Story: The Zootopia Princess Bride

Art by: OceRydia [Rating T13][Romance][Humor][Fluff][Crossover] Two of the fluffmasters in the Zootopia fanfiction community join forces to create a delightfully winsome tale that’s as irresistible and enchanting as the two leads from both movies it involves. Swords clash, wits are […]


Story: Animal Instinct

Art by: TheWaywardKid [Rating M16][Drama][Romance][Complete] It’s always fun to read an author’s take on how Nick and Judy get together, and this story is no different. With some top-notch banter that feels very true to character, hustles of the emotional […]