Zooverwatch by 杯具螺旋丸 |
Normally with Art of the Day posts we try to include a variety of artists. However, today’s a little different due to our posting tool undergoing maintenance. While searching the internet, we discovered a FANTASTIC series of Overwatch crossover art from an incredibly talented artist named 杯具螺旋丸, which google translates as “Spiral Cup” or “Cup with Spiral Pills”.
So, for today, rather than having each individual image having a caption with a source link, since they all have the same artist and source, you can find them over on Pixiv
by following this link!
Check out their work after the break, and let us know what your favorite is down in the comments!
Genji Nick |
Hanzo Finnick |
Hanzo Finnick and Genji Nick |
Officer D.VA Judy and Genji Nick |
D.VA Judy |
Officer D.VA Judy |
Country D.VA Judy |
Flash as Tracer |
Bogo as Reinhardt |
Bellwether as Reaper |
Clawhauser as Torbjorn |
Gazelle as Mercy |
Lionheart as Soldier: 76 |
Lionheart as Origins Soldier: 76 |
Lazy Lionheart as Soldier: 76 |
Lionheart and Wolford as Summer 76 and Summer McCree |
Summer Games 76 and Reaper (Lionheart and Bellwether) |
Wolford as McCree |
Wolford and Bellwether as Origins McCree and Reaper |
Doug as Widowmaker |
Woolter (?) as Sombra |
Jesse (?) as Moira |
Baymax as Doomfist
(even though he’s not from Zootopia, I will allow this) |
Koslov as Bastion |
Koslov as Bastion 2 |
Nangi as Orisa |
Yax as Zenyatta |
Jaguar (?) as Symmetra |
Lion Dancer as Zarya |
Panda Reporter as Mei |
Weaselton as Junkrat |
Frantic Pic as Roadhog |