
Story: A Time of Crime

Art by crazywriter14 [Rating T13][Crime][Adventure][Romance][Complete] It’s no secret that Nick and Judy live eventful lives due to their careers and experiences together, and this story proves it! The outstanding cop duo take on a swarm of crimes thrust their way […]


Story: Shards

Art by Caliosidhe [Rating M16][Sci-Fi][Romance][Action][Supernatural][AU] A stellar sci-fi story with some WildeHopps thrown in for good measure! Due to an extraordinary twist of fate, Nick and Judy’s destinies become permanently linked, involving them in a war of cosmic proportions that […]



ズートピアらくがき詰め by ぼ Let the joyous news be spread! The wicked old Goldman Lawsuit’s Dead! After MONTHS of back-and-forth deliberation, including a whole second round of arguments, the matter of Gary Goldman’s lawsuit against Disney over the alleged copyright infringement […]


Story: Zootopia: Shadows in the Dark

Art by Metalfoxxx [Rating M16][Adventure][Mystery][Drama][Incomplete] A grave, heavy opening gives way to an engrossing story of loss and reprisal as Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde struggle to take back their lives following an unspeakable tragedy. Smart, well-paced action elements are […]


Story: The Hunt

Art by RedPen (Technical-Error) [Rating M16][Action][Adventure][Romance][AU][Sequel] After realizing and acting on their love for one another in the previous story in the “Of Salt and Steel” series, Nick and Judy jump right back into the fray, with orders from the […]


Story: Into The Black

Art by RedPen (Technical-Error) [Rating T13][Romance][Angst][Adventure][AU][Sequel][Complete] An outstanding addition to the “Of Salt and Steel” saga, in which our rabbit captain and fox pirate, following their great success in “Fox’s Guile,” gear up for another daring mission out at sea. […]


Art of the Day #136

Lemons by TheWinterBunny Source [1] When life gives me lemons? I would do a lemonade and share to my comrades. Unless I would be Chief Bogo, who does not care as usual. But you’re lucky you’re not the man responsible […]