Ah, comics. We do love them, don’t we? The only thing that could make them better is if they were fully animated.
Well, that’s not likely to happen in 99.999{fc17e15ed6c8f701884a899a735d4ed94fc8cfa66fc2f404dd33f42f9afeb7a1} of cases, but we can get some fantastic comic dubs in its place! That’s close enough, right? Besides, how else are year-old comics going to stay fresh?
Shelly Kitten and Dark Drifter did a fantastic job dubbing this comic by PDQsketch, so what are you waiting for? Check it out after the break!
[Side note: Sorry for the slow posting the past two or three days. I’ve been a bit busy assassinating my way across ancient Egypt. ~Andy Lagopus]
Cool video, but I can't get into it as the voices are all just wrong and don't sound right.