Story Updates May 9 2017 – Roses are (Not So) Different from a Study in Gold

Is your day severely lacking in the fanfiction department? Do you need a story or two to brighten up your day? Then look no further than this story update post! We’re bringing you some great content from radredknuxfan, Kittah4, IronicSnap, and WANMWAD for those lunch breaks or slow afternoons, so kick back, grab a drink and maybe a snack, and immerse yourself in these wonderful stories! – Ronald Latranae

Updated Stories:
The (Not So) Great Outdoors by radredknuxfan
Different Tails by Kittah4
Roses are Red and Violence is Cool by IronicSnap
A Study in Gold by WANMWAD

New chapters after the break!

The (Not So) Great Outdoors by radredknuxfan

Different Tails by Kittah4

Roses are Red and Violence is Cool by IronicSnap

A Study in Gold by WANMWAD


  1. Zootopia: Partners in Crime updated… FF notify seemed to be down…

  2. FF notifications have been off for quite some time; we're all hoping they get it sorted out soon, it is a serious frustration…

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