Comic: Say My Name (Original by Suzuri)


Hopps, Carrots, Officer Toot-toot… Nick sure calls Judy by quite a few different names. Sometimes, she just wants to be Judy again. But I guess sometimes Nick can be a bit stubborn. I’m sure she’ll get through to him eventually.

Thanks to Suzuri for making the original comic, and to LMAbacus for translating and editing it!  Check out the original over on Pixiv, and the translated version after the break!  As usual for translated comics, read from right to left!


  1. Stories where either Judy or Nick die are a little too real to me, because since they're both police officers, it's a very real possibility. It adds another layer of believability to the Zootopia universe.

    And it just hits me right in the feels every single time.

  2. it….. was…. quite….. s-s-s… "WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" *sob* *sob*
    nice comic btw…. #sadthewholeday

  3. Holy f…. Why!? Someone should change "extremely sad" to "will make you cry so hard you vomit"

  4. Also, the tears on the blueberries… so poignant.

    Thank god for liquor and antidepressants.

  5. Oddly enough, when I read the title I thought of the other comic. "Say Judy" Glad to see that I was not disappointed but it still hurt. The stinging feeling of dread. It was either that or something about babies, as my brain goes.

  6. Well, Mister Mead had made "Judy is dead",I think we should ask him to make "Nick is dead", so both stories can have painful beginning but good ending

  7. Don't listen to the song below while reading the comic… just… don't…

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