Has Nick gone Savage? Is Judy actually dead? Did a harmless prank go horribly, horribly wrong? What happens now!?
Thankfully, we have the complete comic here, so all of these questions will definitely be answered.
Thanks to Borba for the original comic! I have no idea how, but the Zootopia fandom seems to have been blessed with a plethora of absolutely phenomenal comic artists! The action, the emotion, the intensity of the scene that plays out… all of it is absolutely magnificent!
You can find the comic over on deviantart. Or, as usual, you can read the full story after the break!
> melts into puddle
Its was just a prank bro!
It soo good
Yes! Yes! That is SO them! Oh gawd poor Nick, he deserved that.
This art is so sensational good.
*Evaporates* XD
I love this…oh the look on Nick's face after the whole ordeal!
What I love is that they seemed to have lived together. Page 2, top panel, definitely not Judy's dingy apartment.
Probably Nick's place at 1955 Cypress Grove Lane?
ohh you're right! I didn't notice them before…
this is so sweet that I got diabetes… TwT
This comic was heart warming :3;3;3
D'awwww! π
" I have no idea how, but the Zootopia fandom seems to have been blessed with a plethora of absolutely phenomenal comic artists!" Because furries…
My heart sank it had me going there
OMG!!! Was worried there!
Take out page 6 and 7 and it becomes a prequel
The fencing isn't simply the boundary to Best Router Table the piece de resistance in this situation Router Table The fencing serves as an overview.