Comic: Lending Strength (Original by Tumugi)

Judy’s trials and tribulations at the ZPD Academy are painfully revealed to us in the movie, but Nick’s are not. Considering that he is probably even less physically suited to become a cop than Judy, and not as young as he was, he must’ve had a very hard time at the academy as well. This moving comic considers what might have motivated him to keep up the struggle.

Thanks to γ€γ‚€γŽ (Tumugi) for making the original comic, and to LMAbacus for translating and editing it!  Check out the original over on Pixiv, and the translated version after the break!  As usual for translated comics, read from right to left!


  1. Pleaseee… don't put the pictures in imgur cuz that website was blocked in my country so i can't see all the images

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