Slow week for fanfics, huh? No worries, authors. Take all the time you need to make your next chapters fantastic! I’ll be looking forward to it!
Updated Stories:
When Instinct Falls by Upplet
Fallout: Zootopia by CiderStripes
Hopps & Robbers by Redman404
Links to individual chapters after the break!
When Instinct Falls by Upplet
Fallout: Zootopia by CiderStripes
Hopps & Robbers by Redman404
It might take a while. I sent mine in a while back and I only just got featured yesterday. There's probably a backlog, if I had to guess.
Much appreciated. Thank you for the response. 🙂
Yeah, there's a pretty sizeable backlog. We're slowly working our way through it, but there's only so much we can do per day, you know? We are working on it though.