500,000 Pageviews!!!

HUGE thanks to Sendrax and Quirky-Middle-Child for this celebration art!

Half a Million.

ZNN has over half a million pageviews.


I don’t know how many times I’ll say it, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Thank You All.  Everyone who visits this site.  Everyone who comments.  Everyone who submits their work to us. Everyone who volunteers their time to help the site function.  Everyone who shows it to a friend.

I can’t thank you enough.  You consistently blow my mind with your creativity, your passion, your excitement… I have a feeling that this is a fandom that could last quite some time.  And I look forward to every fantastic minute of it.

Always remember,

Try Everything

Andy Lagopus

[Updates and News after the break!]

Ranger Scout Challenge Update:  

If you still want to submit something for the second ZNN Ranger Scout Challenge, you have until midnight tonight!  Send your work to [email protected] with “RSC Round 2” in the subject line.

Quick FAQ: You don’t have to sing for the third challenge- just rewrite the lyrics.  If you do sing it, though, awesome!  Also, there’s no minimum for the short story submissions.

The Ultimate Thank-You Card Project:

So far, we have only received 30 Thank-you notes from people.  So, I think I need to clarify a few things.

First, here are some examples of generic thank-you cards.

They can be hand-written (either take a photo or scan it in to send it):

They can be digital:

(They don’t need to be this formal, it’s just an example of the type)

And they can include images or art if you want!

And don’t worry about language- whatever your native language is, you can send it.  If you’d like to send it in English as well, you certainly can.

So, good luck, and I hope to see a lot more thank-you notes soon!


  1. Okay, I got worried, but I still have a few hours to get my other RSC Round 2 submissions done!

  2. Sorry I missed the thank you card post, who are the thank you cards for?

    • All the people at Disney who made Zootopia happen.
      More info at this ZNN page: http://www.zootopianewsnetwork.com/2016/06/a-friendly-weekend-reminder.html
      It can also be found under Archive on June 25.

  3. I emailed you a card back in June — didn't get a notice of receipt, so hopefully it reached you ok. πŸ™‚

  4. Cute! ^^
    I don't know the character (sorryyyyy) but I think that the wig's color fits you really well!
    This reminds me that I want to cosplay characters with glasses too… XD

    β˜† Costumes β˜†

    β˜† Young Justice League Cosplay Costumes β˜†

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